Search results

  1. Jared Jammer

    Is This A Reasonable Lead Valuation Method?

    I'm watching Brian Burt's PPL Empire. In it, he reveals his valuation method, which is: AdWords Suggested CPC * 5-7.5 For example, if Luxury Car Insurance In Phoenix has a suggested CPC of $50, and he has a page ranked for that term, he'll charge between $250 and $375 per lead. Also worth...
  2. Jared Jammer

    Selling Used Electronics (Mostly TV) Leads

    I have a site ranking highly across the board for a lot of keywords related to buying electronics from people, although mostly TV's. It's bringing in around 30 leads a day, and I think with a little work I could more than double that number. The thing is, I no longer want to deal with the whole...
  3. Jared Jammer

    Outsourcing Recommandations?

    Hello, fine gentlemen. I'll keep this short and sweet: Me and my "business" partner have decided to take a shot at client SEO, and we plan on outsourcing a lot of the work. The problem is, there are so many people selling so many services that we don't know where to begin. This is where you...
  4. Jared Jammer

    For Those of You Making a Healthy Living Online . . .

    A couple of questions for those of you who have already "made it" online:1. How many new projects do you run concurrently? 2. Is there a set number of overall properties you like to own and operate, or does the number continue to grow? 2A. If the answer is "the number continues to grow," how...
  5. Jared Jammer

    Marketing Torrent Sites?

    Does anyone know any torrent sites dedicated to marketing? If so, would you mind sharing them? Thanks.
  6. Jared Jammer

    Bizarre AdWords Suggested CPC

    Does anyone know why a keyword like luxury yachts for sale would only have an AdWords suggested bid of 94 cents? Strong buyer intent, no? Really, really ridiculously expensive item, correct? A great money-earner, right? What am I missing here? Is the keyword not as monetizable as it seems...
  7. Jared Jammer

    How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses (Forbes)

    How Bold Entrepreneurs Are Breaking $1 Million In One-Person Businesses - Forbes A little inspiration for those of us still struggling for success. From an $11-an-hour store job, to his own self-made, one-man million-dollar business in a year. Not bad.
  8. Jared Jammer

    Skype Not-So-Mastermind Group

    Look, we all know all of the real action happens in Skype chats. We've seen the big wigs mention it. There's just one problem: We bottom-feeding scumbuckets aren't allowed in them. Sure, we occasionally get cockteased with a screenshot or a copy-and-paste, but that's as far as it goes. We're...
  9. Jared Jammer

    Aesthetics & Conversions: WTF?

    I'm a confused newbie, and I'd like to seek some clarity from you billion-dollar big wigs. The confusion is over the aesthetics of a website and how it affects conversions. This confusion is based on two things I've recently heard from two I.M. megastars, Ryan Deiss and Seth Godin. First...