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  1. M

    Dont know wtf I'm doing wrong with amazon!!

    :offtopic:Ok so I get the affiliate link from the "link to this page" and I goo to and shorten that bitch ass link and when I get clicks it show on my account but not on my orders summary the clicks don't come up but when I check the link with the link checker it says "Success: The...
  2. M

    Is affiliate program legit?

    Hi I was curious to know if this affiliate program at greencultured] actually pays commissions or would I wasting my time?
  3. M

    Best free blogging platform for affiliate marketing?

    Currently I'm using WordPress but its functions seem very limited is there an alternative to this or it WordPress as good as it get for a free blog?
  4. M

    Which free blogging platforn is bwat for affiliate markering?

    Hey I was wondering which platforms are most useful when using blogs for affiliate marketing?
  5. M

    Which book do you recommend?

    Hello Just finished reading Affiliate Marketing Splash by Zen Duck now I'm looking for a good read to improve my AM knowledge. which book would you recommend as an affiliate marketer?:1zhelp:
  6. M

    What exacly do u need to learn to be a good affiliate marketer?

    Hi I am a newbie and am wondering what do I need to learn I have absolutely no money and have been studying and trying to learn all this shit and am absolutely sure this is what I want to do for a living fuck working for someone else. :banana_sml: