Search results

  1. fartyman

    The Code of Ad Blocking | Adobe

    Adobe study finds there are 198 million adblocking users, growing 47% YoY and that the advertising industry will lose $21bn in 2015.
  2. fartyman

    Autocomplete API shutting down

    Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Update on the Autocomplete API end of ubersuggest/ This move literally had nothing to do with user experience or Google's end user. Go figure. Hopefully, scrapers+proxies won't die.
  3. fartyman

    Bad News

    An open letter to SEO's from Googlebot
  4. fartyman

    Fuck Red Cross Bunch of crooks. Fuck every aid organization.
  5. fartyman

    Feeling down

    I get so depressed and down whenever I browse Facebook and LInkedin profiles of my high school friends. All have nice jobs at nice companies with tons of connection with tons of recommendation on Linkedin Not sure how much they might be earning. Maybe $100,000 out of college and getting a job...
  6. fartyman

    Freebooting - Interesting Business Model from I'm tempted. :cool-smiley-008:
  7. fartyman

    Un-failable Journey to mofo stable income. Newbie-friendly

    Can't fail! I just can't! OK, I'm frustrated. I'm frustrated I've haven't taken any real action as I'm always in doubt. I have read and watched almost everything possible to bank hard yet here I am, broke. It's frustrating as hell! People doing which I want to do are banking seriously...
  8. fartyman

    Building an Online "Goo roo" REPUTATION in the region.

    So, this has been bugging me for the last 2 days, mostly "OFF MY CHEST" type. I just feel down :( So, I have a dream/goal to become a known guru of digital marketing in this shitthole place where I live. I just want to get recognized for my work and people to know my skills and such. I want to...
  9. fartyman

    Wish I have been more active here

    My account joined date maybe be really old but I stop being in the Internet marketing for the past 3 years. Hadn't made any money back then. Now as I graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering. I chose to do IMing fulltime. I have to succeed this year, I have no option. No bloody way...