Search results

  1. W

    bitorrent script

    So I got me a really fast offshore server and i want to use it to download some t orrents. does anyone know a torrent script that will allow the server to download the file, so i can just download it off the server when its all done?
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    ASW age requirement

    How enforced is the "no one under 21" rule?
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    bitch hit my car

    bitch hit my car, must've bumped it while trying to park. Shes my neighbor as well. I've already filed a report and taken pictures of the damage which pretty much match exactly, but she wont respond when I try to contact her. her roomates wont even give out her number. I'm running out of...
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    Need Coding Work Done

    Please provide your AIM/MSN, you will be given a project tonight. I need a banner converted into HTML.
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    Need banner coded

    Hey I need some quick coding done, so anyone that knows how to code PSDs please contact me. First come first serve.
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    VIN Check

    Can anyone check a VIN? I'll paypal them some money
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    How secure is financing a used car?

    Well basically I got myself into a big situation. How secure is financing a car? I did some research on the company that I'm buying the car from and apparently they're known for scamming their customers. The previous company was closed down for not transferring titles to buyers. Basically they...
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    Need designer to do quick logo tweak

    Give me a PM with your AIM ASAP. First come first serve
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    Need designer to do quick logo tweak

    Any designers online? I need a logo modded. Please send me your AIM/MSN and we will get started immediately.
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    Get out of housing contract without ruining credit?

    I'm in a difficult situation. My jackass housemate has pissed me off enough so I'm trying to move out. Currently there are 4 people living in a "2 person" house, and my name is tied to this jackass's in the contract which I regret signing oh so much. Is there any way to break this contract...
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    Tax strategy

    How do you guys deal with taxes? I don't want to end up like last time and get raped with the upper bracket taxes, how did someone you met reduce taxes? I have an LLC i haven't used and I'm thinking about switching over from being an SP.
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    pixels vs subid

    is it true pixels don't always fire and subids are more accurate?
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    Selling 1k teeth whitening pens

    Great for starting a rebill biz... selling 1k teeth whitening pens, with shadeguide, and all labeled for $1000. Originally got them for 3k. PM me for more info.
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    Split test content network and search

    I'm having issues with this as when I create a new campaign with the same keywords for split testing the content network and search, it always says "ad cannot be displayed "One of your other ads is showing for this keyword." Is there a way around this?
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    Do adword clicks get cheaper after a while?

    When starting my campaigns, i have crazy CPC. Do these clicks get cheaper? By how much? Thanks a lot!!!!
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    Need revenge plan

    So I was applying for a local parking permit for a few weeks and every time I tried to contact the manager, he either didn't call back or was away, and every time I tried to park local (by the house) the cops would show up and ask me to move. This forced me to park on the streets while I kept...
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    adwords budget reached?

    Your ads aren't showing because the spending limit defined by your account-level budget has been reached. Anyone get this?
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    wordze free trial not free?

    I signed up for a free trial and used my paypal secure card number, and canceled the card immediately to prevent any unwanted charges, then the next day I see a "pending 38.98" in my account. What gives?
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    How does YSM Tracking Append URLS?

    I'm trying to get the destination site to use the keywords from YSM , and since they dont have the dyanmic keyword insertion its making it difficult. How do they append urls if tracking is enabled? Do they just throw in t keyword like "Blue widgets" after the URL like if...
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    Broad Search

    Does anyone know what the broad match option does? Does it just reverse keywords so the following will return results: blue widgets widgets blue Would it include results that have additional keywords or would the keywords have to be added? For example, blue widgets 30gb