Search results

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    Reccomend a Video Camera

    Hey, I'm looking to get a video camera for a reasonable price. I don't really know exactly what price range I'm looking at because I don't know much about video cameras at all. I basically want something that is high quality, but it doesn't need to be top of the line or anything. It's main...
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    Bank with Free incoming wire transfers

    Hey, I'm currently with US Bank.. they are okay I guess.. Does anyone have or know of a bank that offers free incoming wire transfers? US Bank charges $20. I didn't find any in my own research besides Citibank, but you need 100k minimum for their Citigold account. I don't have that much...
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    Celebrity Domain Names

    So.. I've read about WIPO cases and stuff, but say they rule against me and say that I'm supposed to give a certain celebrity the domain, can they actually enforce it in any way? Does anyone know or have experience in this. I own a domain which I think will be worth a fair sum in the future...
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    List of Most Popular Keywords

    Well, Wordtracker has a feature that shows you the 1,000 most popular long-term and short-term keywords for search. I was looking for a much larger list.. if anyone knows anything and would like to share, thanks.
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    Need a way to chop keywords

    Hey, I run into this problem a lot. Say I have a lengthy list of keywords like this: <asdjoashdjkasfasdasfa>Keyword I want <akdjasljkhgkjhnaskdlasasdasks>Keyword I want again <askodjljaslfnaldaslk>Another keyword I watn etc. Usually I just use a text editor's search and replace option to get...
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    PHP Help

    I have this: <?php if ($_GET[’kw’]) {echo ucwords($_GET[’kw’]);} else {echo ucwords(”Your Original Info Here”);}?> and I get this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/winschol/public_html/greatcarrates/index.php on line 9 ideas?
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    Preventing a Popup from Spawning from the Host Side...

    Any ideas how.. Right now on my landing page I'm using an iframe to frame the advertiser page... however, that advertiser page spawns a popup and I was wondering if anyone had any idea as to whether there was any way to prevent the iframed page from spawning that popup from the host's (my)...
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    Stopping a Popup in an iFrame or something..

    <iframe src="" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0px;"> So I have this right.. I want a way to stop the popup that the iframed page spawns.. Is this possible? If so, I <3 whoever can tell me =]]