Search results

  1. andrewkar

    Question - Answer app

    Thinking about system that will help me with answering questions from my readers. Keep in mind please, I'm not professional coder. I don't want to scrape Google or any other Q/A platform. All answers will be created by me (and my stuff eventually) and should be stored in database for future...
  2. andrewkar

    Taking a shoot at CPA marketing...

    So I have dating offer that doesn't allow email marketing. Traffic will come from POF. Still I would like to be able to capture their email address and then redirect to the offer. Here is what I want to do. Build a simple LP with some simple copy and only email submit, and then once they submit...
  3. andrewkar

    Big Brand Checklist...

    So there is a quite big looking agency in Santa Monica. They surely have read CCarter's Big Brand Checklist and executed very well. I went to see their clients page. On that page they have headline that says "Brands and Clients" and beneath logos of many companies (many big boys). Could be...
  4. andrewkar

    Do you have this...?

    Hey guys and gals, I'm not asking questions often but this time I do. Lately I have this feeling that I'm a bit different than other people. Now, before you start fucking with me!... I mean, I'm finding it difficult to have just normal conversation with people, you know conversation...
  5. andrewkar

    SEO and Marketing for charity...

    Hi guys, Is anyone here doing SEO/SEM for charity? Possibly I can work for one charity (doing SEO and marketing), and I would like to know how others go about it. - do you charge them just like for any other project? - how is SEO in that niche? - aren't they too PITA? or maybe they are great...