Search results

  1. D - who let this one go?

    yeah baby.. just picked up this domain. - now seriously.. I could hardly believe that this one was available.. In 3 days I got 12 visitors from type-in traffic... Nothing there yet, do don't be disappointed(give me a week). Come on - has anyone tried this domain drunk? cause...
  2. D

    PHP/Wordpress help

    I wrote a little scraper for my auto blog, but I'm having a problem on the posting end. Right now, it saves the auto-gen pages to blog0.dat-blog50.dat and then the script e-mails them to my wordpress blog by e-mail account. Dealing with the e-mail crap has proven unreliable(I think I have an...
  3. D

    Welcoming myself to Wicked Fire

    Howdy partners... :2gunsfiring_v1: my handle is dubber609 dubber cause I like doobies and 609 cause I like to 6 ohhh t9 :love-smiley-083: I've noticed that most successful IM'ers are cynical and unique(aka f*cked up). This is great because I fit the bill, except for the successful part which...
  4. D - For Sale

    Domain for sale: Average CPC per Google on niche related keywords is $7 and up. Would make an excellent arbi page. PM me with any offers.. thanks