Search results

  1. P

    Holy fucking shit - Time Machine.

    I haven't logged into WF for 3 years - kept meaning to but life has been busy as hell ( in a good way ). I come back here, Azoogle has shit the bed, MKrongel's outfit went tits up, Shoemoney posting on WF, no more rick-rolling, wtf, it's like the entire world has gone insane... I'm launching...
  2. P

    Jon Fisher Vs. Jon Volk

    Jon Volk - Google Search Wow, so Jon quickly jumped to no.3 for Jonathan Volk and Jon Volk. That's pretty sweet. Interestingly enough, Volk managed to rank no.3 for Jon Fisher. Jon Fisher - Google Search Interesting competition.
  3. P


    So, Just looking through my emails and noticed an email from XY7 on a ringtone offer (I'm PPC/Search, no email) for their members ! From the website, it appears to only be for email affiliates, anyone have any more info on this and really the point of this new branding versus...
  4. P

    Microsoft Cash Back Site. Oh dear, one of the big boys gets into the cash back via affiliate offers. Hopefully they'll suck horribly. I imagine google is planning a similar entry. Of course this is the CPA model, which is apparently being made available to SEM.
  5. P

    walmart 1% comission on games

    I was setting a friend up in aff marketing and came across this, are they on crack ? Walmart are only giving 1% on game sales ??? I used their aff program in the past and it wasn't that shit ! That is about .50 per sale. I mean seriously are they try to close down the channel ?
  6. P

    Fuck New York

    New York lawmakers approve 'Amazon tax' | The Register Fuck them. This means if other states try and pull similar shit that the small guy will likely get push out and the rest of us will have to form corporations in states that don't pull this kind of bullshit scam.
  7. P

    WF down for a while ?

    seems I couldn't get to wickedfire since yesterday, was that just me ?
  8. P

    New Posts Expiry Time

    So, Posting this in the newbie section because obviously I'm doing something dumb. I generally read WF via the "NewPosts" button, sometimes, if I've been away for a fair amount of time, there are pages of posts that show up. So much so, that I can't get through them without taking a dump or...
  9. P

    Ebay gift certificate scam ?

    Play Station 3 PS3 80GB Console Gift Certificate - (eBay item 150200247644 end time Dec-29-07 11:42:59 PST) So how does that scam work ? Seems like the guy is selling these $10 gift certificates that give you access to these *huge* discounts on an offer website.. um...yeah Sounds like a big...
  10. P Arbitrage

    So, I searched around and didn't see mention of anyone actually doing it. Has anyone used feeds for click arbitrage (rather than Adsense). It seems that for some categories they are paying an *okay* fixed amount per click so sending some long-tail cheap traffic from the big...