Search results

  1. dreamscape

    (WordPress) Contact Form 7 Signature Addon

    I'm looking for a little help with the Contact Form 7 Signature Addon in Wordpress. I am trying to pass the Post ID to the addon plugin file that creates and uploads the signature PNG image but not having any success. The below code does not work: (file: class-wpcf7-signature-mail.php) //...
  2. dreamscape

    Is Gmail Broke?

    Haven't gotten an email all day in my Gmail account... Even sent a bunch of test emails from other email addresses. (I checked my spam folder)
  3. dreamscape

    Help With A WordPress Plugin

    I'm using the Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Plugin for one of my websites. The plugin itself works and I like it... Format for the Add To Cart button (place in page template of theme) <?php echo print_wp_cart_button_for_product('Product Name',Price); ?> When I manually enter a product name and...
  4. dreamscape

    Police Arrest Person For Recording Them Then Shoot His Dog

    Disturbing video... Hawthorne police kill dog while arresting dog's owner for video recording them - YouTube Tell me this fucking pig isn't smiling...
  5. dreamscape

    Anyone Here Living Car Free?

    Just sold my vechicle. Got almost all my monies back that I put into... Going to be living car free. Fuck the oil companies! Fuck the auto companies! My main transportation now:
  6. dreamscape

    Body Slamming Homeless Women Is Being Heroic

    As long as you're helping the beloved TSA... Cop on Vacation Saves TSA Worker | ABC News Blogs - Yahoo!
  7. dreamscape

    Google Indexing Some Of My Pages As https

    My site is a wordpress site and today I noticed that Google has indexed some of my pages as "https" instead of "http" I do not have or never had a SSL cert installed on this website's domain. I do use canonical urls and all are set at the regular "http" I never modified the default robots.txt...