Search results

  1. M

    Looking for Mindspark offers

    If you are an AM, hit me up. Particularly if you have been awarded one of their new white labels.
  2. M

    Playing where's yousif from PKM.....

    If anyone knows how to get a hold of him, PM me. Although he appears to be on AIM 24/7, no response, and his google voice dials to nowhere.
  3. M

    Bing PPC traffic Fraud?

    Anyone using Bing/yahoo and had complaints from the advertiser that clicks/leads appeared to be bot generated? My AM told me the advertiser is convinced it's BS traffic. I gave him screenshots of my adcenter account to show him it's a legit campaign, advertiser doesn't want to hear it. So it...
  4. M

    Azoogle/epic iPhone app shows Possible shaving [but really doesn't. im a damned foo]

    If you use the app, and check revenues, leads, clicks, etc.... It matches up with what they show on the website. However if you choose to view stats by offer, lo and behold, higher leads and conversions across the board for every offer, every day. And the % is very consistent, about 25% more...
  5. M


    Anybody have him as the AM over there? I just got switched to him after Jeff quit. Jeff was pretty good so wondering about this guy and if he's new or has a good rep.
  6. M

    Where have all the AMs gone?

    Checking my AIM, all my AMs from all the networks have been MIA all week. Any conferences going on? I checked and no adtech or aff summit this week. Anybody know? My nag pile is growing by the minute.
  7. M

    Who has Dating Host and Post?

    I am looking for a dating host and post affiliate program. I have a killer setup that produces. Preferebly one that does NOT include mate1 on the backend as they have been outright stealing leads by rotating a pixel free signup completion page 75% of the time. PM. Thx.
  8. M

    Google Adwords Support Phone #

    A few months back i got an email from G about accessing support through a phone #. Of course i lost that email. All i have is a "how did we do on phone support" follow up email. I need to get in touch with these clowns. Email is useless, keep getting stock answers that dont answer the question...
  9. M

    Neverblue and the incredible 50% less leads I get

    Someone want to explain this one to me? It's the second time i move a campaign to NB and they are converting at half the rate as the same damned thing on Azoogleads. Half. From .16 epc to .07. No point in luring us with higher payouts if ur system either misses or steals half the leads. Needless...
  10. M

    Go ahead post your dickrolls....I need an FB rep to contact me!!!

    Ya, ya, i searched and contacted all the unbanned Facebook reps I found on here, and nobody has answered back. So, I need any lurking Facebook reps who are interested in earning a comish on 5-10k a day spend to f'n contact me. The rest of u, go right ahead and post ur dickrolls. U know i love u all.
  11. M

    Anyone carrying gamevance offers?

    I'm looking for networks carrying gamevance offers like duck hunt, wheel of fortune, price is right. I got the perfect audience for these offers when they are available. Last time azoogle had them for a month or so. Anyone know a network that carries them full time?
  12. M

    WickedFire Party Hangover

    Free booze, good music and "topless entertainment" = hangover. Great party.
  13. M

    FB: unable to process your payment at this time

    God Damn! My account with the biggest limit has run into this bug this morning. FUCK!! No matter what card is entered. I probably won't get an answer from them for days. Did i say FUCK!!!!!
  14. M

    Ok, who's the idiot running this crush on FB?

    Nice. I applaud your brazen attempt at fooling the 15 year old girls into signing up. Only problem is if I have to fucking put up that it's a subcription and the price, so do you. This is a good way to get offers like this shitcanned by the networks because the mobile content provider won't pay...
  15. M

    Which party to attend at adtech monday night?

    Who's going to adtech in NYC? Which party will you be going to monday night? We have a choice of 3 parties, all at the same time 9pm. Copeac is throwing one at Touch, Epic(azoogleads) is at Marquee and Money Makers II party is at Pacha. Which one to go to? Maybe better to partyhop and turn it...
  16. M

    Neverblue Raping

    Don't know if I am jumping the gun here, but Neverblue just retroactively raped all eharmony australia affiliates by cutting the payout in half and doing it retroactively! Either that or it's a glitch, which I hope it is. Of course it happens right at 5pm pacific when you can reach anyone. Offer...
  17. M

    Socialmedia gone retarded?

    Has this company fallen off the deep end or have they simply hired the facebook nazis that were fired last month? Every ad i put in there system gets rejected now for deceptive advertising. I am using the same fucking ad copy as every other advertiser on their network, and pushing the same...
  18. M

    Copeac Naughty or Nice Problems

    If anyone from Copeac is reading this, your naughty or nice server is crashing under the load and everyone is losing leads because it's either super slow or comes back with an ASP timeout error. I called the 911 number, but no answer and nobody on AIM or answering emails. It's been slow since...
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    Yes, fellow internetings entrapenur, you now needs the bestest programs to beat the Google. I have this prohtam. Is called Googlemeatbeater. Also works with Yahoo and Microsogft. Check It Out!!! But wait! Order bestest google meatbeater now and i throw in a set of 12 steaks knives. Good for...