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    Jon you negro

    For some reason I'm reminded of you
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    WF Member Rasta_Cook is a Phaggot?

    And not the good kind of phaggot we all know and love. Proof: Clearly seems like someone to not accept sales from if he is going to act like that to service providers.
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    Incapsula is fucking up redirects

    Fix this Jon, it's fucking annoying
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    Pingdom can eat a dick

    Their new alert system sucks ass, so rather than re-configuring it back to the old alerts for every monitor, I'm looking for alternatives. Any recommendations?
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    Fax marketing creatives

    I've got some old skool fax marketing to send to some fellow gay businesses. Has anyone here got any good examples or best practices for creatives in this space?
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    Sales CRM with full email integration?

    I don't know why this doesn't seem to exist.. I want a CRM orientated on a sales that integrates into one or more email accounts via IMAP. I want it to keep track of all emails going in and out and let me tag them as potential leads for the sales funnel. I want it to track against multiple...
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    Trademark challenge?

    Someone registered a trademark which conflicts with a website I own, and have owned for the over half a decade. The conflicting website is newer than mine, their domain was registered after mine, and I have proof that my usage of the domain was before the "first use" of their...
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    IAmA westerner running an office out of the Philippines AMA

    As per the other thread, here is the current employee list based on 173 working hours a month. Designer 1: $3.30/hr Designer 2: $3.30/hr Designer 3: $3.30/hr CSS Coder: $2.64/hr Personal Assistant: $1.64/hr Manager: $9.25/hr Android Developer: $6.60/hr CSS Coder / Designer: $5.28/hr HR /...
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    New Adwords "Enhanced Campaigns" WTF Google...

    Many of you have likely noticed the new enhanced campaigns that were introduced today. There are some cool things that come with this update, such as the ability to add sitelinks at the ad group level, BUT... Come June, they are taking away your ability to bid completely separately between...