Search results

  1. W

    Best software/plug-ins to autotmatically reserve appointments and take payments?

    Hey fellas.. So a friend of mine has started his own private bartending business and is actually starting to pick up decent momentum from the site I built him almost a year ago.. Learned everything from here so thanks for that.. But now website traffic is getting to the point where having his...
  2. W

    Dogecoin bubble..

    You guys watching this shit? Pretty crazy.. Caught my attention a couple of days ago during the big btc crash when EVERY single coin was down double digit percentages and Dogecoin was up 100% lol.. Shit is exploding right now.. Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations | Bitcoin Litecoin...
  3. W

    OK WF.. Plz allow me to borrow your collective marketing mind (again)

    This is somewhat of a continuation of the thread where I asked you guys for ideas for a sales contest at my retail/department store work place.. Long story short.. I combined a couple of different ideas from the suggestions I received in that thread, and I totally kicked ass/rock starred it out...
  4. W

    Need Ideas for a Stupid Sales Contest at the Office..

    So, I'm the sales manager for a large retail chain, (yes, like a real job with other people and stuff) and a couple of times a year they run these gay ass little contests that are intended to drive sales of the company's membership program.. and this year, unfortunately, I've been designated to...
  5. W

    Logo trademark question..

    I'm working on a social media marketing site and am trying to come up with a few ideas for the logo.. I have a concept that I really like but the logo would include the logos of g+, fb, twitter, pinterest, and a couple more (think all of the major social site logos in a circle). My first...
  6. W

    Best greek mythology book?

    Dating this new girl.. B day in a week.. no fucking clue what to get, but she's big into reading classic greek mythology like Homer, Odyssey, etc.. Thought maybe one you fuckers would have a good recommendation as far as books go... or hell any random gift ideas would be great. She's into...
  7. W

    Steve Jobs Yacht Revealed

    Pretty cool. Hope some better pics come out. Late Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ Yacht ‘Venus’ Launches | Pursuitist