Search results

  1. DanTe_0101

    Why is no one talking about crypto here?

    Crypto is blasting like crazy, btc is sitting at around $4.6k at the time of posting and will be hitting 12k+ within next 6 months. I am far from expert but just wait till Q1 2k18, if the mass adoption reaches to 2-3% till feb then we will see crypto going more FASTER THAN EVER, the best time...
  2. DanTe_0101

    [boobs inside]Complete list of websites of businesses in X country?[boobs inside]

    Hello guys, I am looking for database of businesses having websites. like a local jewelry store site, dentists, restaurants, etc type. Is there any way to get all/max no of sites? OR scrape them off directory sites? I am tired of scraping them off scrapebox, so if there is any place where...
  3. DanTe_0101

    Tutorials for learning Android programing?

    So I want to learn how to create android apps. Do you know any video tutorials which can teach me how to do it from the start. I don't know nothing about programming, so I guess I need to learn Java first. Sadly codeacademy doesn't have java/android programming. If anyone knows where can I...