Search results

  1. SevenYearItch

    is this right price for pump and dump website like this?

    I want to find out what range I should be paying for something like this It is similar to an early, but in the crypto currency space so shit wads of opportunity there They currently do $4,000 a month on membership fees and $4000 on twitter promotion deals 452,503 hits...
  2. SevenYearItch

    Occult magic! Any practitioners here?

    black cube of saturn? hexagram spells? anyone into this shit? which one of you have been using this stuff to tear down profit? I became interested when i learnt that language itself is a form of magic used to keep us in chains and bondage... or (stocks and bonds) thats why our writing is...
  3. SevenYearItch

    Kern & Co still scraping millions from interwebs

    So I have a pretty strong website, known brand, #1 in niche yadda yadda... my skills are in the actual psychology of marketing, but i suck at "real" online advertising, media buys etc etc I'm looking for someone with expertise in online advertising to join my squad! I need a BLOODHOUND, someone...
  4. SevenYearItch

    USA a Third World Country by 2020, Africa Superpower by 2020

    Looks like the US is in the shitter! By 2020 the US will be a fully fledged third world economy Conversely it looks like Africa, with it's 54 markets, will be the worlds superpower by 2020 Six of the world's 10 fastest-growing economies are african...
  5. SevenYearItch

    Crypto, YAH or NAH

    Do gay webmasters indulge in the happenings of the crypto markets at all? Too much easy money to be had by the looks of things
  6. SevenYearItch

    Mayweather Maidana fight?

    I've been looking through the nooks and crannies of google to no avail I know we have several life-hack kings in our midst here at WF... so could one of you please step forward with a link to where I can watch this online I'd be most grateful.. we could even meet for sex (no strings attached...
  7. SevenYearItch

    Wolf of Wall Street

    Anyone know where I can watch this online? Was just about to buy the DVD... but feel more comfortable giving Amazon the deuces :thefinger: ... So anyone?
  8. SevenYearItch

    Why do Ancient Egyptian artifacts have the Noses Broken off?

    I've recently been studying Ancient Egypt and have began visiting various museums. I see the SAME exact thing at every museum and in most books, the statues have all been defaced. Around 90% of these ancient artifacts have broken noses & lips... e.g the Great Sphinx. Scholars, such as...
  9. SevenYearItch

    After scamming someone, do you feel bad?

    Well?... Do you? I was just wandering, because most people kinda do - but then they realise that, by default and as humans, we care more about our own needs and emotions rather than (for lack of a better phrase) the victim's. Also, does it matter the amount? Like do you feel worse when you...
  10. SevenYearItch

    How month are YOU earning per month

    The seems to be a broad spectrum of marketers here... Thought it would be cool to find out how much everyones making a month... and is that income passive (i.e from a business) or are you performing daily tasks? what numbers are you hittng?
  11. SevenYearItch

    Romney supporters ignorant as sh*t

    Seem's 80% of them don't know what they're actually voting for... Romney Supporters ignorant as sh*t
  12. SevenYearItch

    Never make a decision when Drunk, or Paranoid

    In my parts, I'm known as a wheeler dealer.. The guy who you go to when you're in need of some serious cash. In only five years, I have torn down millions of pounds.. fornicated with hundreds of fast bitches and swam with the dolphins off the coast of Barbados. I have done it all damn it! I...
  13. SevenYearItch

    $1million in just 7 Days?

    Forumsmen, Hypothetical situation. Let say you were kidnapped, gagged, tied and pissed on... Seriously, I want all of you to take your minds into that dark place. I need you all to activate that shitty little portion of your brain that you never thought was useful.. Imagine you were...
  14. SevenYearItch

    How I make £50K+ every month

    Because I am not a bitch! It's quite simple as that. I dont bend over backwards for nobody. Why should I? I know that my consultancy business is valuable to any company that wants to survive during this slumping economy. and why is that? Because I know how to generate the MOST valuable asset...