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  1. B

    Flash Question

    this.button1.onRollOver = function() { button1.gotoAndPlay("_over"); } this.button1.onRollOut = function() { button1.gotoAndPlay("_out"); } this.button1.onRelease = function() { button1.gotoAndPlay("bam"); } i'm using this actionscripting to control my button. ( made with a MC )...
  2. B

    3D Images for Design Use

    Basically, i want to incorporate some nice 3D images in my flash movies, the thing is, when it comes to a nice 3D rendering program i have zero skill. I was wondering if perhaps maybe there was a site, where I could use 3D images for design content. Any help would be appreciated, ciao! :thumbsup:
  3. B


    I was wondering if anyone knows where I might be able to find good icons I could use for design. A little example - For my home button maybe a little house image? Thinks of that nature. Any input would be much appreciated! <3
  4. B

    A Flash Question.

    I just built an animated menu using multiple movie clips. I'll list an example of ActionScripting I used. button1.onRollover = over; button1.onRollout = out; button1.text.buttonText.text = "HOME"; function over() { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } function out() { this.gotoAndPlay(6); } made a nice...