Search results

  1. EvilPenguin

    what would you do if a girl punches you in the face?

    last night I was at a bar with 2 friends.. long story short, there was a lot of people ordering drinks at the bar so I was waiting there for like 10 mins to be served, this tall chick (like 6'1) shows up and basically pushes me with her shoulder to get ahead of me, I look at her and basically...
  2. EvilPenguin

    why do gay guys usually have glossy/shiny/sparkly eyes?

    okay my gay webmasters, this is something that I've talked about with my friends many times, yet it always ends up with people accusing me of being homophobe and close-minded.. so I thought perhaps I'd find more sympathy on WF, my gay brethren. question is simple: do u agree with me that gay...
  3. EvilPenguin

    Michael Douglas was right..

    it was hard getting a blowjob as it is, we really didn't need this.. BBC News - HPV virus 'linked to third of throat cancer cases'
  4. EvilPenguin

    anybody tracks their cat/pet with GPS?

    about to get a cat, but I have so many neighbors that lost their cat, around here you see lost cat signs on almost every pole. I get attached to these furry animals, so I don't want that to happen to me. I'm wondering if I shouldn't invest in some way to track that fool down if he ventures too...
  5. EvilPenguin

    is POF going down?

    just read Markus' message he sent to all members on POF, and I thought to myself: does this guy know that everyone is getting laid off POF and most of us on the first date? is he giving in to the hypocrisy of his female members who are acting all high class when in reality they too want to get...
  6. EvilPenguin

    Summer traffic starting to settle in? :(

    anyone else experiencing low traffic these days? numbers are down across all my niches despite the fact that rankings are stable (or up in some cases)
  7. EvilPenguin

    No graveyard wants him. Da fuq.

    isn't this pushing it a little? I mean, ok he was a criminal, he killed and hurt people, but fuck, the guy got shot and not even been given a proper trial, and now we won't even allow his skeleton to go back to mother earth? What the fuck is wrong with america? All dead men are equal and should...
  8. EvilPenguin

    what % of your revenue is business expenses?

    my accountant said that it was weird that ~50% of my total revenue was expenses. I'm scared this will trigger an audit. what do you guys think? is this normal in the IM field? what % of your total revenue is expenses? (e.g. your VAs, contractors, tools, advertising, restaurants, flights, etc..)
  9. EvilPenguin

    FBI looking for a man with a white hat, and one with a black hat

    as said in the video below: FBI releases photos, video of Boston bomb suspects - seomoz and blackhatworld are in deep doo doo
  10. EvilPenguin

    there may be a small chance you'll come back to LIFE after you die

    pardon my craziness my fellow gaylords, I just had a couple of drinks, smoked a joint and had this crazy idea: so there was this thread in here a while back about how we could crack immortality very soon (some say 40 years, others say 80, who fucking knows) but think about this: what if in...
  11. EvilPenguin

    can we have a private section to discuss SEO and online marketing?

    ... or can we simply set the Traffic & Content section accessible only to those that have at least X amount of posts and/or X+ months memberships? this will make it matt cutts proof and we know we can discuss technical things freely with no risk of the google police reading our shit and using...
  12. EvilPenguin

    Pull your dick out for Mila Kunisssss

    I heard you guys loved Mila Kunis, thought I'd give you a little friday treat.. enjoy and don't jizz all over your keyboard k thx
  13. EvilPenguin

    app that checks live human traffic on the streets?

    we all know that Google maps live traffic feature basically pings people's smart phones to determine how fast they're driving and it's ridiculously accurate. (info: How Does Google's Predictive Traffic Maps Work?) but is there a way to develop an app that uses the same concept to show us live...
  14. EvilPenguin

    does anyone know what game is this?

    I was updating my nvidia drivers and they had this screenshot of this game that looks totally awesome, anyone knows what game this is?
  15. EvilPenguin

    An Inconvenient Truth: Sexual Monogamy Kills Male Libido

    "For most men in long-term sexually monogamous relationships, a steady decrease in libido is inevitable, regardless of the particular woman in their lives. That’s right. The sexually-monogamous husband of the hottest woman on earth will start to lose interest at a certain point. Uma, it’s not...
  16. EvilPenguin

    iphone users, I need your help... my EAR is ruining my life.

    lately I realized weird things happening on my iphone.. apps disappearing, icons being moved around and all kinds of weird shit, and I realized today that it's all caused by my fucking EAR during calls.. yes, when I'm in a call my ear on the touch screen causes calls to be dropped, muted...
  17. EvilPenguin

    science proves that drinking makes you HORNY

    Science Proves That Drinking Makes You Horny how can we profit?
  18. EvilPenguin

    PDF ebook versus WordPress membership plugin.. what works best?

    I stumbled across this natural remedy for a common health problem, that apparently a lot of people don't know about. I even tried it myself and it works. now, I was thinking of creating a short PDF ebook (around 5-10 pages maximum) and selling it for like $10.. but then I thought that I could...
  19. EvilPenguin

    the benefits of FAPPING

    German armwrestler shows off his single Popeye-esque limb | Mail Online
  20. EvilPenguin

    Starting a hotel-booking or airline-booking website, anyone tried?

    anybody here attempted to start an airline or hotel booking site? Seems to me that the commission potential is awesome and it's all an SEO game for the most part since most people now book online for hotels and flights. what are the main challenges? I'm thinking that setting up the website...