Search results

  1. S

    Dear PHP,

    I can't do this anymore. We need to break up. It's not you, it's me. We've been together since you were called PHP/FI. At the time I was involved with PERL&CGI and you offered something fresher and with fewer strings. I could query a database, draw graphics, and all in one file! And boy, were...
  2. S

    separating keywords into lists

    I was just setting up a campaign and trying out a way to break out keywords from a master list, and I thought I'd share the commands I used to do so. I used the Microsoft AdCenter Keyword Intelligence Excel plugin to generate a list of keywords. I eyeballed them to come out with a list of...
  3. S

    I know the Internet is serious business, but...

    Came across this GreaseMonkey userscript that adds a title tag to any tinyurl links with the destination url, so you can hover over links here and see what the real site is. Rename the attachment to tinyurl.user.js and open it in Firefox. You'll need the Greasemonkey extension, but you have...