Search results

  1. drave

    Martin Grunin didn't learn jackshit

    that fucking idiot lists potentially-more-moronic Ryan Eagle as a reference on his resume. I wouldn't want to be Robert Adler, John Monarch, or Eleah Portillo, for fear of being labelled a drug-addled laughable joke by proxy. They clearly didn't know how big of a laughingstock MG or RE had...
  2. drave

    Bitcoin = Amway

    the more rubes that sign up, the more valuable it is... and once you've signed up, preach the gospel to as many rubes as you can find. and once those rubes see the increase from the other dopes they've persuaded, we have an upward spiral of dumbfuckery. every one of you dopes lukep signs up...
  3. drave

    enlightened section

    hey jon... why not do your reputation a favor and re-open the enlightened section for everyone? the "membership" concept is obviously over & 99.7% of the contents of that section was submitted while it was free. it can only increase your traffic, won't damage your revenues, we might get some...
  4. drave

    what's next?

    one single thread has been updated in the past 24 hours in STS, and that thread is a total fucking joke. obviously this joint is beyond what's next for you? where are you all gonna go next to discuss/share/learn internet marketing? we have to do it, its just a matter of 'where'...
  5. drave


    i logged on tonight and saw more posts than usual, but not only that, i noticed recent posts from wf staples who i haven't seen much of lately but was damned glad to see... avatar33, UG, Eli (if just to hit Like), fatbat, cardine, josearmando, barman, infoslob, dwight schrute, gimmedat...
  6. drave

    "Hardworking" still has an account here.

    HARDWORKING is the source of the recent thread where it was revealed he's a serial scammer and multiple members verified he has several accounts and has widely scammed across wickedfire. Jon curiously banned konstantine and not only ignored hardworking, but deleted the damning thread completely...
  7. drave

    GIMP tips

    any of you guys use GIMP in place of Photoshop? i need to be able to edit text in a PSD file. i bought a book cover on fiverr, and i need to edit the text. thanks.
  8. drave

    social intelligence

    can it be learned or is it genetic? i was raised by 2 people on opposite ends of the spectrum. my mother is completely tone-deaf when it comes to relating to other people, she just has no fucking idea how to do it and she's totally unaware of that fact. she's never had a single friend that...
  9. drave

    we were previously mod heavy...

    now we're not. thoughts?
  10. drave

    speedreading... real or horseshit?

    i need to crunch thru large amounts of info in a short amount of time. anyone have experience with speedreading? is it hocus pocus crapola or is it real?
  11. drave

    the boxing industry thought they could play with legitimacy....

    ...and they learned otherwise. the NFL is about to learn that lesson. goodell just sold out an entire league by "pretending to need more time" so one more game could be played. unprecedented. laughably obvious. dumb as fuck. hope it was worth it, jerk off.
  12. drave

    at what point does the guy who picks halftime shows get fired?

    we've swung from 70 year old rockers to nickelodeon dancing palm trees for 13 year old girls, and its all been crap. how fucking hard is it to pick a halftime entertainer with broad appeal?
  13. drave


    US guys reminder... due today.
  14. drave

    one kickass marketing strategy

    Don't Give Your Work Away For Free
  15. drave


    i was chatting with a friend of a high school friend on facebook tonite. she mentioned that she was literally so broke she was going without meals... i offered to send her a $500 check immediately (which being in-state would arrive the next day). she said she had no bank account without a...
  16. drave

    jon, i'm buying your site for 1 billion dravecoin

    all your base are belong to us.
  17. drave

    mp3 breakup?

    i have multiple situations on several mp3's that ive bought and especially videos i've converted to audio that i'd like to break up into parts...any ideas so i can add track lines (listen to X & stop without having to scroll back thru it all). 1.5 hour chunks suck. thanks.
  18. drave

    canelo v mayweather...

    9pm est, bitches. who you got?
  19. drave

    My WF login session times out every 2-3 minutes

    seems to be much more rapid/frequent since the new skin. mods, is there any setting i can adjust?