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  1. Shari

    Getting THERE

    How long did it take you to finally get to a successful career in AM/IM and other online marketing biz? I'm just asking because I want to know if the hard work is all worth it. Thanks.
  2. Shari

    What's your greatest contribution to WF?

    I see many smart-ass here, so let me ask you folks: What is your greatest contribution to this forum? Seeing how WF has helped a lot of people here, what have you given back in return? :D
  3. Shari

    Fear of failing

    This site is a truly awesome resource for all things you need to know about online marketing. Most of the people here have been very helpful, as well. However, it's the fear of failing that I am most afraid of. Has anyone ever experienced that while starting working online? I can see a lot...
  4. Shari

    Hiring a digital marketing company

    Is it advisable to hire a digital marketing company if you're an online marketing newbie and doesn't know how to really promote your product/s? Do these companies cost much and will they be able to deliver as they say they would? Thanks!
  5. Shari

    Is Article Spinning legal?

    I might have missed this topic here so I just have to ask: Is article spinning legal? I mean, it is like re-writing someone else's (or your own) work, right? Isn't that some sort of plagiarism, too? Just trying to make sense out of this.
  6. Shari

    The Role of Article Writing in IM

    I've read that article writing as a skill, is very important when you want to succeed in online marketing. Is this true? What if a newbie IM doesn't know anything about stringing catchy words, does that mean he/she won't make it in this business?
  7. Shari

    Is Internet Marketing/Affiliate Marketing ONLY for men?

    Has anyone already asked this question? I'm wondering why there are so many MEN Internet Marketers and so few women? Is it just me, or are the numbers really in the men's favor? What do men have that makes them succeed more in IM? Or, are women simply not interested with this specific type...
  8. Shari

    What do you get from helping other IM-ers?

    Just have to ask this. With all the scams and scammers online, I am curious what people here get from helping out IM newbies like me. I am aware how fierce the competition is in online marketing so why help, right? How do I distinguish the sincere ones from the fake Samaritan?
  9. Shari

    What's your "power-liners?"

    The online marketing world could be sometimes crazy. What do you tell yourself then in times of exasperation? Do you have certain power lines that you constantly tell yourself to get you going?
  10. Shari

    How is Affiliate Marketing different from Internet Marketing?

    I don't know if this is the right forum to be asking this question or if the question is a stupid one. I have just recently gotten interested with working online and based from the little readings I've done, the most profitable jobs online are in Affiliate Marketing and Internet Marketing. How...