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  1. transistor

    Any of you guys that moved abroad have a dog?

    Did you find it was much of a hassle to bring it with you?
  2. transistor

    Anyone have tips for increasing app installs on Google Play?

    What's the most important factor to focus on? Reviews?
  3. transistor

    A guy at the dog park threatened to kick my ass today...

    His dog was dragging my puppy around by his neck and then bit his ear and shook like he was trying to rip it off. My puppy was crying, so I went over and pushed his dog off. The dog kept lunging towards my puppy, so I pushed him away with my foot a few times. His owner finally came over and said...
  4. transistor

    Thinking about buying a 32" TV as a monitor. Bad idea?

    It would be 1080p. Probably a Samsung. Would the picture quality be good enough?
  5. transistor

    I want to try fixing and flipping a piece of real estate.

    Talk me out of it.
  6. transistor

    My dad wants to put some of his money into a franchise...

    Any recommendations of what he should look at? Max $500k investment.
  7. transistor

    Is there any issues with having multiple tax IDs?

    So, let's say I got banned from Adsense and I need to sign up again using a different EIN. Is it as easy as creating a new DBA name and registering a new EIN? If I wanted to make multiple Adsense accounts, would there be any problem with having multiple EINs? Does it send a red flag to the IRS?
  8. transistor

    I'm thinking about getting a puppy, but I'm worried it will ruin my productivity...

    I'm also a little concerned it will keep me from traveling. Anyone here regret getting a dog?
  9. transistor

    God damnit, I want to play poker online

    Why must everything be so difficult?
  10. transistor

    Backpacking eastern Europe

    Is it dangerous? I backpacked Europe before, but only got as far east as Prague. Does it get sketchy further east? I'm considering starting in Athens or Istanbul and then heading north to Poland through Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, and Slovakia.
  11. transistor

    Buying an existing business

    I've been browsing local businesses for sale and some seem pretty promising. I'm a little skeptical why some people would want to sell their successful businesses though, but who knows... Like would anyone want to sell this? Very "Special" Roofing Co, 5 Years Cash Flow is Ave. $842,782...
  12. transistor

    Using my good credit to get a low interest rate loan from LendingClub...

    in order to lend back at high interest rates on LendingClub? I'm earning over 17% on the loans I've given out. With my good credit, I could probably borrow at under 6.5%. Bad idea?
  13. transistor

    I have a bunch of money that I want to use to start a business...

    But I can't decide what to do. I'm not passionate about anything... I'm planning on quitting my job next week, so I can give it 100% of my focus, whatever it is. I keep going back in forth in my head. Do I want to spend 6 months designing a physical product? Do I want to make mobile apps? Do I...
  14. transistor

    I'm looking for someone to churn out one simple iphone app every week

    I'll give you a topic and the content, and you make the app. One week it might be a trivia app, another week it might be a business directory app, another week it might be a recipe app. They can be really basic. They can even be phonegap apps. They just need to have enough features to get...
  15. transistor

    I made a big mistake

    After 3 years of being self-employed, I got a job. If I had actually put in as much effort towards my business as I have to put into my new job, I would have made so much more money. Instead, I got complacent and my earnings dwindled. Now I'm stuck working for some asshole... I hate my life.
  16. transistor

    What percentage of your money making ideas fail to make money?

    I'm at about 98%. Back when I began 5-6 years ago, it seemed like whatever I tried would make money. Now it's about the opposite. Not sure if it's the economy, more competition, or just my shitty ideas, but it's getting tough for me...
  17. transistor

    Stocks that pay dividends?

    Can someone give me cliffs on these? How do you find stocks based on their dividends? I have a bunch of money sitting in a money market account earning basically nothing. Any recommendations?
  18. transistor

    Not sure what to do next...

    I've been racking my brain for weeks trying to come up with new business ideas, but none seem to hold up to scrutinization... I made quite a bit of money from developing social media games over the past couple years, but now the money has stopped coming in. I'd like to start a new business...
  19. transistor

    Any clickjacking experts here?

    I'm looking to have a script made. It's not for facebook likes or google+, but the idea is similar. I've tried modifying those scripts to do what I want, but the site I'm trying to embed doesn't allow its pages to be embeded in iframes. If anyone can figure out a way around it, I'd gladly pay.