Search results

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    Soccer vs Football

    John Cleese rants - Soccer vs Football - YouTube
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    eBook Long Sales Page Designer?

    Any recommendations? You know the type, Clickbank style long sales pages.
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    "Off the Radar" Hosting

    Will not give up your info etc. Outside the US. Recommendations?
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    Anti-Paul ads on Adsonar

    Ron Paul Must Be Stopped - DSCC: Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Shit isn't even close to true. First time I've seen online ads attacking him, and it's from the democrats. They're getting scurred.
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    Shamwow guy is back - Schticky

    Schticky commercial [OFFICIAL] - YouTube
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    Perfect Christmas gift for Photography Enthusiasts

    I know a few people who are into photography and came across this. It's pretty sick and decent priced. I got the thermos one 'cos the cheapest option seems a bit flimsy. Canon and Nikon Camera Lens Mugs –
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    Sons of Anarchy!

    Anyone else here watch this? Easily up there with some of my favourite shows ever. S3 wasn't the best but S4 aired a few days ago and it was a sick opener. I remember people talking about this a few years ago but when I wiki'd it just sounded like bikers and heavy metal lol. Gave it a chance and...
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    What do you guys think about this? [Mobile vs Display]

    Mobile App Inventory On Track To Match Online Display Ad Spend By Year-End | TechCrunch
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    Need animated banners

    Banners will be .gif but will contain animation, maybe a 3 second loop from a video. Need quite a few made. If you can do it PM me with price per banner.
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    Wimbledon 2011

    Who's going to be watching? I'm hoping for a Nadal/Fed final again, but you can't write off Djokovic and Murray is looking good too, although he's most likely going to flop when it matters.. as usual. What do you think?
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    Seperating Mobile and Web traffic

    Around 50% of my traffic from a particular source comes from mobile and conversions of this traffic is pretty much non-existant. Anyone know a way I can redirect the mobile traffic to a WAP offer?
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    Mediawhiz/Monetizeit AM

    Anyone have an AIM handle of someone over there? Thanks.
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    David Haye v Wladimir Klitschko

    Done deal, fight on July 2nd (My bday, wadduupp) in Hamburg. Should be a great fight. Haye to win though. Also, I heard it's winner takes Hayden Pantierre
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    Top Incent Networks?

    There's Blam Ads. Any other networks you guys recommend?
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    Sup these past 2 weeks on WF?

    No interwebz for past 2 weeks. Was gonna look thru WF but the STS' first page alone only goes back to yesterday. Any threads I should know about? AM and STS. ty bro's
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    Interstitial Traffic?

    Anybody know any decent interstitial ad networks? Clicksor is straight up dogshit in terms of quality and support. Any recommendations?
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    IRL Split Test - Racial Stereotyping

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. lol @ comments after the black guy saying it has nothing to do with race.
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    17 Year old teenager banned from the US for being a meanie to Obama

    I don't really get involved in the political threads 'cos I think it's all bullshit. But this article is pretty retarded so I thought I'd post. I don't know what was in the letter but I'm guessing he didn't directly threaten his life, but more call him a cunt for being a cunt. BBC News -...
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    Burger King sold for $3.26b

    Never ate at Burger King in my life. But it reminds me of a Jin lyric when he was freestyle battling on 106 and park. "So you from BK? I heard they murder things. Only time he see beef is when he go to burger king" ololo. Anyway, BBC News - Burger King sold to buy-out firm for $3.26bn (£2.1bn)
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    Going Direct - Questions

    There might be threads on this but I'll post anyway for my situation. Basically I was running an offer through a network I thought got it direct. Turns out they didn't and it capped pretty quick. The company which have it direct are running this internally and aren't taking on affiliates. They...