Search results

  1. kuntek

    High traffic - low revenue

    Ono of my sport related blogs produces more than 55,000 uniques and more than 230,000 pages per month. AdSense and Chitika earnings are very low... actually they earn me shit. Do you know of any good CPM networks/programs (sports related) I can use to increase my revenue? Other suggestions are...
  2. kuntek

    Health and wellness affiliate programs?

    Did anybody have any success with health, wellness, skin care, weight loss, hoodia,... and similar affiliate programs? If yes, which will you recommend?
  3. kuntek

    Alternatives to PayPal?

    I would like to sell some sites but could not accept money via PayPal because from my country you can only pay from it. What are the best alternatives to PayPal when selling a website?
  4. kuntek

    AdSense alternatives for one post?

    I need some advice from you guys... This post, which is totally irrelevant to my blogs niche, gets me a ton of traffic. Before this month I was using AdSense on it, like everywhere else on the blog. CTR was OK but clicks were between $0.01 and $0.05 and I get sick of it and replaced the AdSense...
  5. kuntek

    Ad networks for arbitrage sites?

    Which Ad networks will you recommend for an arbitrage site that is using AdSense? I tried Yahoo (Overture) but they declined my site because lack of content.
  6. kuntek

    The Death of AdSense - Free document download

    Sorry for this thread guys... I didn't see that there is already one. Please remove it.