Search results

  1. M

    New hosting company, or get Cloudflare?

    Ever since this whole "upgrade" process that Hostgator did a month or 2 back, my sites have had horrendous server response times. After they "fixed" that server problem that made my sites all crash for a day, my sites have all been slow as hell still. I was wondering if you guys thought it was...
  2. M

    First paid/subscription servies/software

    I've gotten a few sites up and running, decent traffic for the low amount of work/links I can throw at them, and a few clicks for adsense. I am focusing on making some adsense farm sites right now. What are the most important or first things I should invest money into now? I'm looking at...
  3. M

    Something like Webmaster tools

    I don't want to use webmaster tools on all of my sites since I'm hearing it is bad to have Google know about your network of sites. Is there any program/site/subscription (preferably free) that monitors keywords like Webmaster tools does? I like how it finds all of the long tail stuff that my...
  4. M

    Looking up backlinks

    Is there a good free service I can use for looking up backlinks for my competition? Also, are there any backlink logs available that I can watch my site's progress with over time?
  5. M

    Wordpress Category plugin or option

    I want to add a widget to my sidebar that breaks down the posts per category. Basically I want it to look like this: Category 1 -Recent post 1 -Recent post 2 -Recent post 3 Category 2 -Recent post 1 -Recent post 2 -Recent post 3 Category 3 -Recent post 1 -Recent post 2 -Recent post 3
  6. M

    Breaking Bad season 4 online anywhere?

    Its not for sale yet and I NEED to watch this soon. Does anybody know where I can watch it?