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    .IT italian domains

    Anybody figured out how to register a .IT domain without having a VAT number, or living in Europe??
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    List Your Hosting/Server Set ups

    Ok, can we talk hosting/servers for a bit, I'm looking for my own server because I'm outgrowing everything else or it doesn't work. My Setup: "Reseller Account" WHM/Cpanel Apache 1.3/PHP5/MySQL 5 Shared environment VPS-CentOS Apache2/PHP5/MySQL5 Some resources are dedicated.
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    Custom Scrapping Scripts

    Offering custom made scrapping scripts. Prices depend on complexity of the script, anywhere from $100 to $1000. This is not priced by the size of the DB or amount of data, only the work required to develop and test the script, the rest is up to you. This will be in PHP and will insert into your...
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    search the web for code

    It's amazing what one can find if one knows where to look and what to look for..... I just found a whole php class that will parse random submitted pages for proxies and do a whole bunch of processing on it and build a list of bad/good/banned/slow lists. On top of that every kind of...
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    We need clans or lairs or something

    I probably repeating a lot of the same work that a lot of your are doing, I think it would benefit everybody if we started some kind of work groups where we can share a lot of code, knowledge and possibly other resources. Ideas?
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    Why doesn't the rss feed have all of the updates from the forums? Or did i grab the wrong feed? I took the one from the from page.
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    identifying google bot in php

    I needed this code and thought others might too: function IsGooglebot(){ // check if user agent contains googlebt if(eregi("Googlebot",$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //server name e.g. $name = gethostbyaddr($ip); //check if name...