Search results

  1. R-Yeah

    Does my plan worth any good??

    Hi all, Few years i am trying to make money on the net. I think i am doing it all wrong, if i get distracted and other shit that wont get me where i want to be. so i come up with a plan, i wanted you affiliate experts to let me know if it is worth any good and also suggest better ideas. I am...
  2. R-Yeah

    new keywords software - beta testers wanted!

    Hello, Recently I have been working on a new keywords software tool, aimed at the Internet Marketing community. It is especially useful for SEO, SEM, PPC and can even be useful whilst brainstorming for new niches and more.. The current version appears to be working very well, but my own...
  3. R-Yeah

    wicked fire posting

    Hello, WF is one of the most favorite forums i visit. I don't post at all i mostly watch posts. I have a question which is more to the mod's here. I wish to find beta testers to something i created, i wanted to know if i will post my calling for beta testing it will count as SPAM. i read the...
  4. R-Yeah

    Domain Registrars API

    Hello, I would like to know ANY registeres other then enom that i can use their API in order to register a domain. I wish to make a software that will try to catch deleted domains and doing that by adding ALL registrars API to the software i wish to create which will be multi threaded and will...
  5. R-Yeah

    Suggestions from you guys on affiliate marketing

    Hi guys, This is my first post. I wanted some tips and suggestions if you can help me with an issue i am having. For the last few years i read so much about affiliate marketing and SEO until my mind blow up with info overload. Now i know 90% all i read is crap. And i wish to receive logic...