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  1. C

    Got my blog, now what?

    The game changed so much it's incredible.. I don't even know where to start. So you start a blog, something people will actually like to read, subscribe to, and be interested in reading more from the blog, you put great content on it, daily always update that shit no excuses. Have a nice...
  2. C

    Social Bookmarking & Authority?

    Quick newbie question. Trying to establish one authoritative blog. Do you guys think using onlywire to social bookmark every single post that will be published on the blog will do good? Or should I go for something like Any opinions would be very much...
  3. C

    Smart as fuck or dumb as shit?

    Alright I'll jump right into this. I'm about to get a hold of an awesome domain, when I say awesome I say top of the line type shit, nice and stable pr 5 (thousands of links to back it up), dmoz, yahoo dir, 10 year old, great niche. This was a pretty popular blog, had a huge network of...
  4. C

    Am I de-indexed or what, please help!

    Few weeks ago I've submitted my site for reconsideration to be indexed again by google, as it has fallen off the map for I have no Idea why. Below is the message that I received back from google's staff. "We received a request from a site owner to reconsider for compliance with...
  5. C

    Wordpress permalinks structure, wtf?

    Ok so I got my hands on a 5 year old site, massive traffic, huge in serps it's delicious. Though the previous owner has Default wordpress permalinks structure, had no sitemap, just the overall on page optimization is just "how the fuck is this site ranking so high". My question is should I...
  6. C

    Huge Site with Domain Registrar Freeze??

    Hey guys, I'll jump right to the point for ya. So I'm in the process to purchase a huge site (torrent type site to be exact). I know the owner bla bla, before he pushed the domain over to my account he got an error saying: This name is on Registrar Freeze. Now what ever the fuck that shit...
  7. C

    so what about adult products?

    I know I know you are going to hate on me for asking this question.. but hopefully there are some good guys that will help with some tips. So what kind of link building methods do you do for a site promoting adult product, no talking about viagra type shit spam. Would very much appreciate some...