Search results

  1. spitfire

    Can any German bros help me out? GmbH setup

    Looking to set up a GmbH as this is a requirement of a German supplier I want to deal with. The company is going to have minimal transactions, just purchases from this supplier and sales to a company I control in another European jurisdiction. Any of you guys set up and file for a Germany...
  2. spitfire

    Wordpress Theme for "Luxury" Product

    I'm launching a small 8-10 microniche site selling a high end luxury product. I'm only expecting the site to generate 2 or 3 leads a month but the leads will be worth a lot. Being cheap, I want to put something together in wordpress with an off the shelf theme. Anyone know of decent luxury...
  3. spitfire

    Other side of the normal domain negotiation dynamic - Opinions?

    I was contacted out of the blue by a domainer looking to sell an EMD .com in our niche. He offered to sell at $350, I countered at $250. He accepted, Paypal, Godaddy push and I have the domain within 10 mins of his email. (I did check the guys bona fides first). Anyway, I have to say it has...
  4. spitfire

    Looks like Matt has been lurking in BST

    What has been the biggest surprise of 2012 for you and your spam team? - YouTube Remember that when every second thread was about Matt? Yeah, I haven't missed him since then either, but the video did make me lol. I could just see Matt seething as he lurked angrily on some long ass BST thread...
  5. spitfire

    SEO Company Using Our Site as a Fake Testimonial

    Greetings WIA and fellow Wickedfire members! I just found a beautifully redesigned logo we did for one of our ecommerce sites in the "Client List" section of a SEO company's website. Apparently, we are among "600 satisfied clients" this company has. Which is of course bullshit as every scrap of...
  6. spitfire

    No more free Google Apps

    Just got this email in from Google: That sucks as I am pretty much addicted to using their free email for new domains. What do you guys use?
  7. spitfire

    Sumit's Reddit Account

    Sumit, we've missed you on this gay webmaster forum! "He" has been posting comments on Reddit over the last few months it seems. The usual tongue-in-cheek wisdom of Sumit Dhawan is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Some gems: overview for Sumit_Dhawan What I can't understand is why...
  8. spitfire

    How is this even possible?

    I bought 2 4GB sticks of RAM the other day as I was sick of Windows crying about Chrome & Photoshop being open at the same time. If I want to have 150 tabs open at once, I should be able to goddamit! Damn, RAM is cheap -$40 shipped for 8GB of SODIMM. Anyway here's my question: how in the fuck...
  9. spitfire

    Just Spilled a Glass of Water on my Laptop

    It's after 4am here. Just finishing some late night coding and spilled a glass of water over my laptop. Stayed on for a minute of so as I attempted to soak up the water with a towel. Then it powered off. Once it was dry I attempted to power again but just got the power light flashing on and off...
  10. spitfire

    When you see the word Pewep, how do you pronounce it in your mind?

    There is much hate for this gentleman on these forums. Some of it is justified, but I find him and his 17 shill accounts entertaining. But what a strange moniker he has chosen. How do you pronounce it? inb4, stop giving him attention, he's on my ignore list, random racist comments, OP is a faggot
  11. spitfire

    Get your weekly dose of Kevin O'Leary

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. What you think of this week's eps my fellow gay webmasters?
  12. spitfire

    Dublin Websummit

    Anyone on here going to this tomorrow / Thurs? Not that likely but I know a lot of people fly in from UK / Europe. Anyone want to meet up a fellow WF member, PM me... Good networking event, can be good to meet designers, / programmers for JVs Lot of well known web entrepreneurs there:Paul...
  13. spitfire

    Shark Tank E5

    Who wants a nice, relaxing productivity-free hour on a Saturday? This show always sends my motiviation levels through the roof I gotta say. Plus Kevin O'Leary is a god. Shark Tank Season 4 Episode 5 HD - YouTube
  14. spitfire

    It was a good day. (EMD Related)

    I added this to the EMD moan last week: This site is a 5 month old EMD and was ranking at #12 for a long time and dropped right out of the top 100. The content is uniquely research written by my own inhouse guy with a college degree, custom theme, unique photographs etc. so I felt it was...
  15. spitfire

    SEO Advice = Investment Advice

    The idea of the guy who is a professional investment advisor always bothered me. If your advice is that good, why would you work in a bank, stockbroker etc. for an average wage? Just invest your own money and make a living that way. Studies have shown that randomly sticking a pin in the FT...
  16. spitfire

    Can't leave feedback

    Maybe I'm stupid, but I keep getting this error when leaving feedback: Am I missing something obvious?
  17. spitfire

    Stupid Captcha Idea

    Came across this site from a spam comment on an article about the ticketmaster captcha fiasco: CAPTCHANIM - Our Products Page First of all, it's a stupid idea - just decraptcha the animated gif. More importantly look at the demo captcha for a few seconds. Now, I challenge you to look at any...
  18. spitfire

    Buying Expired Domains with Backlinks

    Here is something I have been puzzling over for a while. I'd be interested in people's experiences. Domain ranks in the number one spot on Google for "blue widgets". (high competition keyword) Looking at the site's backlinks you see a lot of inlinks with "blue widgets" and related...
  19. spitfire

    Free Amazon AWS for one year

    I thought I would share the love with you guys: AWS Free Usage Tier You need a credit card to sign up, but it is genuinely free. There are pretty decent resources here for your scraping, DBs, etc. so enjoy Unfortunately I already have an account with them but I am gonna dig out another CC to...
  20. spitfire

    .infos on Godaddy

    Just bought a shit ton of exact match .infos on Godaddy, mainly for throwing up some autogenned sites for my network. Am I making a mistake using Bob Parsons' much hated registrar and being blinded by the <$1 reg fee? Am I missing some other registrar offering similar priced infos with privacy...