Search results

  1. S

    How were your freedoms and liberty assaulted in the last few years?

    With all the fun back and forth political arguments on this board descending into trolling I thought it might be fun for anyone who's been paying attention to the various ways that our freedom and liberty has been washed away in the last few years. I thought it might be fun for those of us who...
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    Tuts+, Lynda... OR

    So I've got some free time coming up while I do some recovery from a surgery (yep - getting breast implants so I can do spoon pics and move to Thailand ). Figured it's a good time to brush up on my design and programming skills. I'm never going to be a pro at photoshop, so more concerned...
  3. S

    Your dog a tough/aggressive chewer?

    I know a lot of you have dogs since we've had some epic dog conversations here :) Basically I'm looking for a few products (not kong toys) that tough dogs can not destroy but they actually like. Looking for toys more so than bones and treats. I've got the "perishables" down. I don't care if...
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    gotta love the wiredtree

    Twitter Same crap happened a few months ago and I ignored it because all hosts have crap happen now and then. But this is the third major downtime in a year for me. The big one went on for days -- so going to assume this is another. Now my question is -- are you with wiredtree and down at...
  5. S

    Aww crap - the down side of ending the fed.

    So I'm in bed peacefully drifting off to sleep... and then it hits me. If the "END THE FED" movement succeeds control of the money passes back to congress. CONGRESS. The same guys who spent the social security money, and can't balance the budget... and the only time they seem to use their...
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    You know those crazy people who don't vaccinate?

    There will be a lot more of them shortly.... Finland vows care for narcolepsy kids who had swine flu shot - Yahoo! News
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    So you think you are a conspiracy theorist?

    We've got a lot of very passionate people here with different points of view... but we don't have a real "conspiracy" theorist of the right caliber to make things really interesting. I nominate this guy: The Secret Is Out At least he combined nuttiness with internet marketing - it's like...
  8. S

    Where is that thread.... what i learned in 10 years?

    Someone had a thread up here a few weeks ago - "what i learned in the last 10 years". Anyone got it bookmarked - can't find the damn thing.
  9. S

    xbox broke....

    My kids xbox 360 slim broke over the weekend. No damn clue where to get it fixed (or if I should). My guess is it's the motherboard (freezing on start up or a few minutes in... can't even get to playing a game). It's out of warranty (by 22 days). So I figure I've got a couple choices and...
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    The Drug War....

    For most of my life we've been told to just say "NO" and we've spent god knows how much money on the "WAR ON DRUGS". I'm a father of 4, and I can say with a straight face that I haven't done drugs in well over a decade. I have however watched gangs ruin the cities that surround me (philly...
  11. S

    Some new verticals....

    I'm just not feeling inspired today - but I need to get a few new sites up. Give me some ideas for some verticals to go into. (no I don't want your research, or your money pots - just a bored day with crappy weather and no inspiration)
  12. S

    This administration and Israel?

    Seems like the rhetoric on the "Israel" topic has really changed under Obama.... Might have just read why......
  13. S

    WTB - Spun Articles

    Looking for someone to write a few (10) lightly spun articles per week. By lightly spun I mean it should be readable and legible on every spin. Rather have minor changes than gibberish. No software generation - want this done by hand.
  14. S


    I figure this will be one of the biggest argument threads in WF ever :) I'm personally inviting Lukep and hellblazer to go a couple rounds. You know you don't have anything important to do today anyway. You know you'll have fun this way at least. Premise: PROVE there is or isn't a...
  15. S

    I'd like to organize a wicked fire flash mob....

    Since it's all the rage atm - I think we should have a flash mob. Everyone show up on the corner and we'll throw things through at digital point members :) and steal the wags puppet. ChrisS can drive us from the corner in his van. I hear he has candy. We can have Hellblazer yell out the...
  16. S

    The Debate the just ended......

    I missed a lot of it, apparently RP actually had a good moment or two? I'll catch what I missed later, but he just looked worn the hell out and old at the end (what I saw). What I miss?
  17. S

    Dig your crystal ball out.....

    So my wife I guess caught onto the riots in London, and asked me if that was going to happen here. It was an easy answer because it's happened before. We lived through the Rodney King riots and even here in Delaware I remember it reaching my school. I then got to live through the 90's as a...
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    Wireless Card

    I'm finding myself in a position where I'm going to be traveling a bit and won't have an access point for work. Need to get on-line at least once a day while I'm traveling and I think my only option is a wireless access card. I don't really want a subscription service with a contract, so I'm...
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    Trump Out = :(

    Driving home tonight with after picking up my kids from school and listening to AM radio. Don't remember what particular douche was talking, but it was something about Trump being out (which I knew). Got me thinking though. I was REALLY looking forward to the debates with Trump in them...
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    Sorry Born Agains.... Hawking says there is no heaven.

    If there is anyone I can think of off the top of my head that SHOULD be looking forward to heaven it's Stephen Hawking. Imagine the hell the man has gone through for most of his life - and while I'm not saying he is the smartest physicist out there he is one of the better known. So there...