Search results

  1. R

    Working with googlemaps iframes

    Hey guys, I'm in the final stages of having a site built for real estate property searches and havng trouble getting the Google Maps function to work properly. What I'm wanting is when a user uploads a property for sale and enter the property address, there is an iframe for google maps that...
  2. R

    What to do if you have too many keywords?

    I must say, I've never had this problem before, most of the time I'm struggling to even get 3 or 4 low competition keywords together for one niche but I've got a non-english website that I've been doing some keyword research on and at the moment I've got over 20 low comp keywords (no more than...
  3. R

    Looking for a RSS, Social bookmarking, Indexing tool

    ...If such a thing exists. I've used Ping Kaching, I've currently got a trial version of it and although its easy enough to use two things put me off: 1. It's still a bit buggy and things don't work as seamlessly as they should IMO, leading me to my second reservation about it:- 2. The cost...