Search results

  1. WebableTrev

    Unable to send Private Messages?

    I am having some problems with private messaging. Whenever I try to send a PM it isn't going through. I check my sent items and nothing new appears. I have less than 100 sent/received PMs. Any one know how to fix this? Private messaging was working yesterday for me.
  2. WebableTrev

    Technical Writing - Free Reviews - $2/100 Words

    About Me My name is Trevor, I am an experienced technical writer with a degree in electronics engineering. You can see reviews of my work in my previous thread. What I Write Software reviews and tutorials Programming guides in languages including assembly language, C+, Visual Basic...
  3. WebableTrev

    Technical Writing - Free Reviews - $2/100 Words Limited Time Offer

    About Me My name is Trevor, I am an experienced technical writer with a degree in electronics engineering. What I Write Software reviews and tutorials Computer and hardware reviews and tutorials Installation guides Networking guides RF communications / Satellite...
  4. WebableTrev

    Link building software that compliment each other

    So I am back again site has gone from 100 unique views at the start of the year to 20,000 uv's per day. This is done through content, a lot of the sites features are still being added. What I am interested in doing now is promoting this content. There is so little competition in my niche that...
  5. WebableTrev

    TL DR High Qaulity Content why bother?

    HA the internet is so used to spam and garbage that when a high quality article is finally posted on a popular forums the first 20 responses are TL DR. For those not up on the lingo it means Too Long Didn't Read. The next 10 responses are 'Good intro' How many people will post until one...
  6. WebableTrev

    How much SEO is enough?

    This a thread about my authority site. Starting 2012 it will have five 500 - 2,000 unique high quality word articles a week. The revenue is going to be generated from Adsense, clickbank, Amazon and random offers from emails for in-links, custom articles and whatever they are paying for :)...
  7. WebableTrev

    Don't start with an authority site... Oops!

    It is a bad idea to start with an authority site. It is difficult to produce a website that commands authority with little or no experience making a website. Oops! In 2009 recently graduated and unemployed I started making a website. Added flames to the sides to make it look cool. Hell yeah I...
  8. WebableTrev

    AJAX Graph

    Hi, Have a Joomla site need a graph done. This needs to be custom for the site. Blah blah gaming site covers of PC games click able to show data for different games. Data is in SQL database site is Joomla CMS. Graph takes data from SQL makes a scatter plot for each gaming tournament (prize pool...
  9. WebableTrev

    Newbie Link Directory owner have some questions.

    Hi I bought a PR4 Link directory recently and well how did they do it? The site is The alexa is actually glitched if you search it at alexa it doesn't show. The page rank 4 is ligament with just over 1,000 back links. The website is just over 10 years old. Looking...