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  1. nitro_dee

    Top Affiliate Network Ripped My Mobile Campaign

    I've posted this on another popular aff marketing forums but... I have recently discovered the affiliate network I was running a mobile offer through has ripped my creatives, lander and is running the campaign internally on all the same placements outbidding me. I couldn't beleive it! I done...
  2. nitro_dee

    Now this is creativity

    I thought you fellow Wfers would enjoy this... Symphony | buzz museum (Watch the second video)
  3. nitro_dee

    Pandora Alternative for INTL

    Anyone know of a radio service similar to Pandora that can be used in the UK? I've tried shoutcast and grooveshark but a lot of the stations play the same bullshit on repeat.
  4. nitro_dee

    Is your Skype fooked too?

    I tried loading skype and after a few seconds it shows this I googled around but there doesn't seem to be any useful answers. Anyone else having/had the same problem and know how to fix it?
  5. nitro_dee

    So i was watching the has offers video when i noticed these 2 girls...

    It looks to me like one is having a sniff at the other... Click the image to watch the video. Gotta say they got a sick office!
  6. nitro_dee

    Remote Desktop Connection Problem

    I'm hoping someone will be able to shed a bit of light on this RDC problem... I keep getting random dropouts when connecting from my laptop to my office pc using RDC (laptop is vista home and office pc is vista business). I checked the network connection and its fine and when i goto the office...
  7. nitro_dee


    This you? Read full here - Work Addiction | Are you Addicted to your Job? and another here -
  8. nitro_dee

    What do you do when...

    A respected large network decides they arn't going to pay you because the leads you sent converted but didn't convert into paying subsribers for the advertiser? They've offered to pay me 50% which i think is bullshit because it still leaves me $XXXX down. I was told $5 a lead so i drove the...
  9. nitro_dee

    Ice Skating Car

    I came across this video while surfing around, funny stuff! Ice Skating Car Funny Videos & Shocking Videos They both jump outta the car ahha!
  10. nitro_dee

    202 conversions pixel misfiring

    PPVers listen up... I've came across a really strange problem recently while trying a few SMALL PPV campaigns on TrafficV. I ran 4 different offers, 2 from one niche and 2 from other seperate niches and everytime the affiliate networks showed less conversions that i'd tracked on 202. I was...
  11. nitro_dee

    ROI Calculator - Make Stacks, Get Paid

    I looked around for a ROI calculator and didn't have much luck finding one so here's a quick tool i got coded up. Just enter the fields on the right. Thank SeoMike for the formulas! ROI Calculator - Make Stacks, Get Paid
  12. nitro_dee

    Myspace Account Disabled

    I just started pushing a offer on myspace a few days ago, everythings legit and within myspace's t & c's. I'm based in the UK so i used a U.S address and added my credit card, all was good and myspace took 2 payments. They then tried to take a third payment and it failed. I called my credit card...
  13. nitro_dee

    What's going on here?

  14. nitro_dee

    Openx 2.8 - Running Popups

    Can someone explain how to enable or setup popups / popunders on open x 2.8 ad server. It was easy enough with version 2.6 but i don't see the option on 2.8
  15. nitro_dee

    Acai chick?

    I was just adding some banners to a site when i noticed this one... I'm sure some of you ppl here who run the weight loss blogs know her well! Did she munch a few acai pills and then start modeling for banners?
  16. nitro_dee

    How many angry monkeys could you take in a fight?

    How many angry monkeys could you take in a fight? | QuizMyMates Between 100 and 175 monkeys The little fuckers grabbed my by the balls!
  17. nitro_dee

    Redesigning results in dropping from google?

    I'm considering redesigning one of my top preforming and biggest sites although im worried because i read that sometimes google can drop sites. Can anyone make it a little clearer to me as to how to go about redesigning without dropping? I plan to keep all the url structure the same and the...
  18. nitro_dee

    Yahoo launches Buzz similar to Digg

    Hey i just came across yahoo buzz on a celeb blog there. First ive seen it and i think it look pretty good. Its basically a digg clone...