Search results

  1. ddall

    Instagram Bot

    Hey, Can anyone recommend a bot that will auto-like pics with certain hash-tags? (online or for mac). Thanks
  2. ddall

    Getting Youtube views and ranking higher in searchs

    Does anyone have experience in this area? What works in terms of SEO on youtube beyond the typical forum posting and response videos. Are there currently any services in the BST that are effective in ranking certain videos for keywords and such? Any feedback/insight whatsoever is greatly...
  3. ddall

    Wordpress modification to existing theme

    Hi, I have a review site theme I am currently using. I need to make a modification or edit that will call attention to a certain article I wrote. It can be on the front page only or also as a side button or bar on every page. Is something like this possible?
  4. ddall

    Affiliate Tracking Question...

    Hi I asked this once before and hoping to get a few more opnions this go round... What I did: I made a review website. I have it ranking now for targeted keywords. I have traffic coming. Where I am at: The number 1 product on my site is a review for a custom made item sold and distributed by...
  5. ddall

    Anyone recommend easy to set up affiliate software?

    I am not technical at all, looking for recommendations regarding easy to set up affiliate tracking with paypal. I have an affiliate page and the merchant has no affiliate software set up. Any suggestions, experiences? Was looking at - idev-Affiliates 3.0 looks pretty straight forward. thanks
  6. ddall

    Turn homepage wordpress site into single page lander review

    Hi, I am not technical whatsoever, and would appreciate some guidance on this one. I currently have a wordpress site with almost 60 pages of unique content, optimized for SEO. However, now that I am ranking higher and getting traffic related to my keyword, I am in the monetizing phase. As...
  7. ddall

    EMD Question

    What is the consensus of being more SEO friendly. The keyword example will be "Big Green Widgets" a) or b) as opposed to I recall reading google does not read the hyphen. Would biggreen-widget work as an EMD for the...
  8. ddall

    Setting up tracking directly with seller

    Hi, noob here. I'm ranking a website for a specific product. I have found an exclusive seller. We wish to establish an affiliate relationship where I link to his site, sending him qualified traffic, hoping those I send convert and buy his product. This guy does not have any affiliates or system...
  9. ddall

    PPC Landing Page - Dedicated domain for each campaign or Generic?

    Hi, Ok, so I am ready to get cracking. Just got on with an affiliate network, have p202 up and running and ready to join the ranks of frustrated CPA newbies blowin dough and converting shit all (aka buying data and payin dues). As a newb, here is my dilemma, and why I come to the alter of the...
  10. ddall

    Basic Tracking Questions

    First off, let me say I am not a technical person whatsoever, however I somehow managed to install Prosper202 on my own domain. I have watched a number of videos however some things remain unclear to me with regards to what prosper202 does. I have not set up any campaigns, my questions are...
  11. ddall

    [Noob] Super Ultra Hyper Basic PPC Starter Questions

    Hi, Few questions hoping I could get a hand with, warning they are extremely simple but I cannot find the answers to fill in the blank. 1) Ok, when starting my first campaign for PPC do I install propser202 on a separate domain? 2) Tracking202 or prosper202? Thoughts? 3) Lets say I get...
  12. ddall

    [Noob] Landing Page Design Question (s)

    Few questions for the vets, I'll preface by saying as of two months ago, I had never even heard of wordpress, let alone affiliate marketing. That's how noob my origins are. In any event, after hundreds of hours of research and eventually DOING I am steadily ranking a niche site for two...
  13. ddall

    [noob] I'm steadily ranking my niche site, need corresponding product, how?

    As said, steadily ranking niche site, getting some organic traffic. It is an action keyword for a product. Have a simple adsense ad up thus far. I obviously want to monetize the site, especially with the increasing organic traffic. My problem is this: New to AM, I am not signed up with...
  14. ddall

    Consensus on FB 'likes' and +1 on Page

    What is the SEO veterans take on adding this feature to your site? Are there any case studies on buying 'likes' etc for your page and boosting SERP/Rank or is this a great way to get sandboxed? Thanks
  15. ddall

    SEO noob questions (warning boobs)

    Hi, Back with more questions for the elders; 1) Regarding twitter and facebook, are they good SEO strategies for backlinks? I assume a twitter and FB account pass on more link juice if they have more likes and follows. Is this the theory? Would I simply make a fan page and twitter account...
  16. ddall

    When to put adsense on site?

    Hi guys, Ok, so I found a keyword niche and starting the slow process of trying to get the number one ranking on google. Can the vets here clarify some things for me: At what point should I apply to adsense? (certain traffic level, domain age, etc?) Also, what is all this about using...
  17. ddall

    Opinion on Wordpress Review themes for Newb

    :1zhelp: I'm looking to do a review style page, very new to Wordpress, still learning the ropes. My question is this: What do you guys think is better/more applicable to my requirements, given: 1) I want a visual rating system 2) I want lots of area to create additional unique content for...
  18. ddall

    Basic Coding Tutorial?

    Hi, I am a complete newb, this is my second day learning about affliate marketing. So far I have the macro idea, and have read a number of guides including Nickycakes and Jonathonvolk. However I am lost when it comes to some of the terminology. For example, in Jonathon's guide he discusses...
  19. ddall

    Absolute beginner questions

    :hi: Hi, Ok, I have spent a number of hours reading this forum, which has resulted in me realizing just how pathetically uninformed I am with regards to the entire 'AM' world. I apologize for the inane and ridiculously newb questions, however I greatly appreciate any help. Ok, here goes...