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    Misclick Frequency

    Hey guys, I was doing some analysis on my old poorly-performing and/or low CTR ads and was curious about something. Has anyone done a study or have access to data that would demonstrate misclick (unintentional click) rates on different ad platforms? I'd love to know if some of my older ads...
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    Facebook - How To Target IE Users?

    Hey guys, I'm working in the toolbar niche at the moment and have found that I'm getting a lot of CPC clicks on Facebook from Safari/Chrome/Firefox users. As expected, none of them have or ever will convert on a toolbar download. How can I target against these users on this platform? PoF...
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    Facebook - Limited Reach

    Hey Guys, I'm running into a problem where my reach rarely surpasses 1-5% of my entire target demographic. For example, I can an education offer on FB with a target demographic of 50,000 students, and it stopped getting impressions at around 400 reach and 1,000 impressions. I don't think it's...
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    Quick Facebook Question

    Hey Guys, I've decided to spend a few days learning how Facebook works/feels. I've run into something I found very odd, and would like to know if anyone has any thoughts on it. I threw $20 at a campaign to get used to the FB interface tonight, and I've received $20 in clicks at ~.75CPC...