Search results

  1. jmizzle

    Buying Sites

    I find myself browsing flippa every once in a while and have almost pulled the trigger on a couple $XXX priced sites. Small change but mostly out of curiosity. Main reason I didn't end up buying them is because I have no clue how to do proper due-diligence. I did some searching around here...
  2. jmizzle

    Pain in the ass employees... do you have a Company Handbook?

    I know a of you here have employees. Have any of you put together a Company Handbook or even any kind of written down policies they have to live by? It seems I have been a bit too lenient with my employees and they're really starting to be a bunch of little fuckers. They are good at their...
  3. jmizzle

    Not incorporated and make money with Google Ads? The IRS will fuck your shit up...

    A lot of people on here ask "when should I incorporate?" Well, whether you're making bank off Google or are in the red, the IRS considers you as a private contractor of Google, operating as a business and will fuck your shit up if you don't pay self-employment taxes on that money. Some hobby...