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  1. turbolapp


    So, I've had this ORM client going on about 5 years now. They have one negative article from Courtlistener that I've been battling with for all this time. I push it down and then an update happens and bam it's back. Basically, I'm sick of it and looking for a more permanent solution. I know...
  2. turbolapp

    Ron Paul Launches Home-school Site

    Ron Paul launches his own home-school curriculum | The Daily Caller Here's the site: Thoughts?
  3. turbolapp

    Question for the Amateur WF Nutritionists Around Here

    So 8 days ago, My husband and I changed our eating to: Lean proteins, veggies, fruits and nut fats. (No dairy except greek yogurt) I knew we would lose weight and I knew we would sleep better, but what has been the most surprising thing so far is the drastic reduction in back pain (we're both...
  4. turbolapp

    Turns out that Ignore Button is Good for Your Health.

    Science Explains Why the Silent Treatment Works when Dealing with Jerks (and Why It's Healthier for You, Too)
  5. turbolapp

    ASW. Who's Going?

    Ceasers is sold out. Therefore, Bellegio.
  6. turbolapp


  7. turbolapp

    Minnesota Bans Free Online Education

    Minnesota Gives Coursera the Boot, Citing a Decades-Old Law - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education WTF
  8. turbolapp

    Marijuana Fights Cancer

    Marijuana Fights Cancer and Helps Manage Side Effects, Researchers Find - The Daily Beast
  9. turbolapp

    Modern Day Paleos Have it Wrong: We Were (mostly) Vegetarians

    Apparently, for 30 million years, our ancestor's diet only consisted of about 3% meat. Seemingly almost as an accident. (AAACK, I JUST SWALLOWED A BUG) Human Ancestors Were Nearly All Vegetarians | Guest Blog, Scientific American Blog Network (inb4 page 11)
  10. turbolapp

    Hidden Government Scanners From US Govt Within 2 Years

    Hidden Government Scanners Will Instantly Know Everything About You From 164 Feet Away I feel like my shock and appalled button is broken from too much use.
  11. turbolapp

    Genetically Modified Foods Thread

    So all I ever hear is the oh noes and the GMO food is bad mkay? Yet, I never really see anything to show for it either way. Sometimes it seems like people are just terrified of the potential and the inherent freakishness of it, instead of the actual reality (Much like people were about organ...
  12. turbolapp

    Open Source Hardware

    So I'm super addicted to Ted Radio Hour on NPR which essentially is: A program using Ted Talks previously given by the speakers with common themes where NPR Host Alison Stewart talks with each speaker to probe how ideas make waves and get inside people's heads to open up a whole new picture...
  13. turbolapp

    Tarantino's New Movie: Django Unchained

    Looks fantastic. Django Unchained - Official Trailer (HD) - YouTube
  14. turbolapp

    Suggestions on a new TV?

    So due to a lightning strike that blew out half our electronics the other day, I am in the market for a new TV. We still have a working 51 inch LCD 1080 in the livingroom but my main complaint about this beautiful thing is that it doesn't play .avi. So any movies I would download I would move...
  15. turbolapp

    Be a Ron Paul Delegate. I'll figure it out for you.

    So after some communication with a few really intelligent but really confused peers, I realized that the will maybe there but lack of information or understanding maybe stopping you. I know you've all been hearing about Ron Paul, delegates, yada yada but some of you may find the whole process...
  16. turbolapp

    Game of Thrones ***NO SPOILERS PERMITTED***

    Season 2 -April 1st (no fooling) Better catch up on season 1 now.
  17. turbolapp

    Ron Paul's Delegate Strategy Starting to Work.

    This went off exactly as the RP delegate committees are currently planning. I only hope the establishment is too slow to react properly before the rest of the unbinding caucuses and chairman elections. Caucus goes to Ron Paul - Branson Tri-Lakes News News Free - Caucus goes to Ron Paul: News...
  18. turbolapp

    I AM the 15%

    Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™ Also noteworthy:
  19. turbolapp

    You really don't see this one coming.

    The Post-Vomit Kiss | NY Ink - YouTube (if you want to skip ahead start at 1:10) edit: actually you probably will see what's coming because of the stupid fucking title. Anyways, I actually saw this on TV on chelsa handler and didn't know what was coming. at the end of the clip she said "Thank...
  20. turbolapp

    Mormons Baptizing Dead Jews and other LULZ

    Do you ever just have one of those surrel moments, where you take a step back and say, Wait, are you guys seeing this??? I had one of those the other night when I was listening to NPR and they did an explanation behind the Mormon Babtism scandel. The whole thing on both sides is utterly...