Search results

  1. Fullbloom

    Satellite sites: Keyword Driven vs Link History

    If you were to create mini satellite sites for link building for your money site, would you prefer to snap up a totally unrelevant domain that has good link popularity and pagerank or register a new domain that is relevant with zero history (and start your own link building technique)? This is...
  2. Fullbloom

    Blog networks hosting question

    Hey guys, we're building mini sites for our SEO clients and throwing up wordpress blogs on them, been using a SEO hosting provider that gives us class C ip blocks but the price is starting to stack up. Does anyone know how these bigger blog networks manage their hosting? Is there a cheaper but...
  3. Fullbloom

    SEO for competitive niches - What to do after WF methods exhausted

    I don't know if anyone at any other agencies has experienced this, but this year we've noticed Google getting a lot more picky with links and anchor text signals. For large competitive sites there seems to be only so many web 2.0, blog networks, and general wickedfire links you can do before...