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    Limitations of Google AdWords

    Pay-per-click advertising and Google AdWords go hand in hand. Google search engines and AdWords cannot build a relationship on their own with people although they can help connect targeted traffic with desired products. What are some of the limitations of using Google AdWords on a site?
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    Membership sites

    What software and plugins are necessary on membership sites? I know WordPress has plugins such as MagicMembers, MemberWing and WishList Member that help with payment and subscribers. What other plugins are useful?
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    Number of products

    How many products do others end up promoting on their websites? I don't think more than a handful would be appropriate for a simple WordPress site, but I'm curious as to how others think? What is a good ballpark figure?
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    Amazon shops

    Do any people on the forum use a combination of affiliate marketing and running an Amazon shop? If so, do you find that reviews help your affiliate sales?
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    Inexpensive video recorders

    Because video marketing is such a hot Internet marketing way of providing content for affiliates, I would like to know what inexpensive pocket camcorders others are finding to be good investments.
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    Has anyone had much luck using BigCommerce? I understand it is a good place for hosting a small online business, but I'd love to hear how the profit stacks up against the expenses.
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    How long did it take you?

    If you're a full-time IMer, how long did it take you to get to the point where you can support yourself just doing that?If you aren't full-time yet, how long do you think it'll take you to become full-time? I've only being doing IM for about two years, and most of that was off-and-on again. I'm...
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    What to do with a broken iPod Touch?

    I have an iPod Touch that's been water damaged. I'm not sure what to do with it-- should I throw it away? Try to sell it? Or...does Apple do that "return a broken thing to us and we'll recycle it" thing still?
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    Quitting Red Bull

    I think I'm a little addicted to Red Bull (or the caffeine in Red Bull), and I'm kind of starting to worry about it. How can I cut back and/or quit drinking it entirely? Should I just switch to something else?
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    Kung fu movies

    I'm assuming at least some of you here like kung fu movies. I really enjoy the older ones, like Drunken Master and The Leg Fighters, but I haven't really seen any newer ones besides Jackie Chan's movies and some other comedy ones. Anyone have any recs for others I should see?
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    Google Friend Connect

    Wasn't sure where to put this, so I decided to just stick it here. On Blogger blogs (and on self-hosted Wordpress blogs), do you have Google Friend Connect enabled? I was thinking it might be a good way to show that you've got subscribers/supporters/whatever. I think I've seen a few people...
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    Something other than Twitter/Facebook

    Is it worth sending links and stuff to places other than Twitter or Facebook? Like, is Digg actually useful, or should I just ignore it?
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    I want a flying car

    I don't give a crap about anything else: pollution, fuel, logistics, science, whatever. I want a flying car! I want a weird bubble house like the Jetsons had, and I want a robot butler who'll do my bidding. When's the future gonna be awesome again, anyone know? :batman:
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    GoDaddy is so slow!

    My site has been loading slower off-and-on throughout the week, and I'm pretty sure it's because of my host, GoDaddy. I'm planning on switching to another host once mine expires with GD. I was thinking I'd go to HostGator-- are they fast?
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    Pan Am

    I suppose it's silly, but I'm kind of excited for this show. Maybe because I've seen Catch Me If You Can one too many times. Anyone else excited?