Search results

  1. Xrproto

    MyAds Campaign BUG

    Alright if you have all you campaigns pause on myspace ads and you are still getting clicks chances are you have some campaigns you CANT see so you CANT pause them. So if you look at all your campaigns on page 1 then go to page 2 you will notice that some of the campaigns on page 1 carry over...
  2. Xrproto

    Copeac Stats?

    Are anyone's stats not updating on copeac right now?
  3. Xrproto

    Copeac Email Submits...

    What do the different codes mean? like the ~ I can't find it anywhere and have since forgot.
  4. Xrproto

    Your Best Comment Spam?

    So lets have it...what's the best comment spam you've received so far? I just had this one today: It had a shit ton of links after it of course.
  5. Xrproto

    NeverblueAds Reporting Delayed?

    My stats haven't updated since about 4:40pm pacific time...anyone else having this issue? EDIT: Never's updating again.
  6. Xrproto

    Oh No! Google’s CAPTCHA – caught by spammers!

    Can we say "I'm fucking slow" Poste: 2/29/08... iTWire - Google’s CAPTCHA – caught by spammers!
  7. Xrproto

    The day that changed my life

    Tuesday 8-01-2006 @ 10:34am I was reading on here a good month before I registered if I remember right...
  8. Xrproto


    Do they enforce this...what good are they then?
  9. Xrproto

    Hosting affiliate programs?

    I need a good hosting affiliate not a shit hosting company either I'm looking for something that is good for both the customer and me payout wise. Suggestions please.
  10. Xrproto

    FPS Fans & The Wii

    Although I haven't had time to game I'm pretty pumped on playing Medal of Honor Heroes 2 on the Wii after reading what Matt Casamassina from IGN had to say about it. “I just want to put it out there: Medal of Honor Heroes 2 officially beats the pants off Metroid Prime 3 in the FPS control...
  11. Xrproto

    What's the best thing below a buck Bah...nothing. It's going to fail.
  12. Xrproto

    I love numbers

    I know I'm off the wall so you don't need to remind me but I truly love numbers. You take away the dollar sign ($) and they become even more fun. When I first started getting into all this, I thought in $$$, Now just just over a year later it's all the numbers without the $$$ that get me wet...
  13. Xrproto

    Bob greene...

    Anyone know if it's still running anywhere? Just noticed it went down a couple of days ago on azoogle.
  14. Xrproto

    CSS tip of the day

    I've been asked this several times lately: "Why is X element not in the same position in IE and Firefox when I set the margins &/or padding." To put it simple every browser has it's own default style at the start of your style sheet zero the margin & paddings out like this...
  15. Xrproto

    What's your guesstament?

    Something I've been pondering goes like this... Say a companies site is well ranked in yahoo & MSN for their niche but don't rank worth shit in google due to google catching onto some "dirty" tricks and knocked their 1.5 million+ inlinks down to a few hundred and setting it so they can't rank...
  16. Xrproto

    What to charge?

    I'm not sure how/what I should charge for this huge project I was finally talked into. Anyway, what I'm being asked to do is take over every aspect of their site. From redesign, scripting, database management, graphics, SEO & marketing. The whole deal and on top of it they want me to continue...
  17. Xrproto

    About Time AdCenter

    Finally, no long ass wait when bidding on trademark terms with AdCenter! Whoohoo! Starting Sept. 10th that is. ;)
  18. Xrproto

    more visibility

    Any one have the low down on morevisibility DIT com? Someone that wants me to do work for was referred to them by someone else. I've heard of them but not about them. Need the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  19. Xrproto

    Lead Cap?

    Alright, I should know this but don't. I've never ran an offer (knowingly) that had a lead cap. So, when there is a lead cap on an offer is that per affiliate or for everyone as a whole?
  20. Xrproto


    Yeah...what the fuck is it?