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  1. P

    Maximizing ROI in PPC

    Which project would you rather fund? The higher profit or the higher ROI?
  2. P

    What's the angle here?

    Craigslist Ad: Which leads to: - Photos of my apartment and me What's the angle here? There's more to this story than an empty bedroom. Problems: 1) Super hot chick who can't find a roommate has to register a domain...
  3. P

    YSM Bulk Upload

    Am I an idiot and just now after a year of using YSM noticing that there is a bulk upload button on the main account screen? Is this new? Allows 5000 keywords at a time, 20000 for the day. Jesus, if this has been there for months I'm gonna slam my carpel tunneled hands in a drawer!
  4. P

    Azoogle bans "free" ringtone promo

    I think dadamobile is just tired of bidding too high on "free" keywords. Should be interesting to see if they remove all of theirs as well. As of now they seem fine with running them...