Search results

  1. E

    Idiot proof screenshot capturing software??

    I'm using Hypercam at the moment to make screenshot video's. I have some experience with CamStudio (yes I'm that old). But I'm looking for something that's free and idiot proof for my technologically challenged mother. Hang on...did I just call my mum an idiot? Twice?? Seriously, any...
  2. E

    Bad Day? VENT HERE! (Caution - Offensive Language)

    Ever have one of those days? Computer troubles? Some day where NOTHING works the way it should do? Some asswipe somewhere does something that just pushes you over the edge? In all honesty, I'm a mother of three youngens...I don't get to swear & cuss & carry on as much as I would like to at...
  3. E

    Let's See Some Syndication!

    Looking for some new buddies to syndicate with, preferably people with a little experience IM'ing (not entirely essential though). I'm new to the forum so what better way to get to know some of you. :) Syndication, in case you're a brand spankin' new noob, is the process of getting together...
  4. E

    1st Facebook Page - Suggestions

    Personally, I'm not a complete noob however I have been a bit slow on the whole Facebook page thing. I've one new site in particular, an affiliate site, a month old - found it recently in Page rank #1 using half of the domain name. It's seeing a trickle of traffic and made it's 1st sale before I...