Search results

  1. L

    Anyone use real phones anymore?

    I want to make calls like a boss on a phone with enough heft to slam on the unworthy (i.e. not a cellphone). Probably the only thing I miss about the old day job. Can anyone recommend a good setup for a business phone for the home office? I've been using Google Voice + Skype + wireless headset...
  2. L

    Quit my job, shit just got real

    So I just quit my job at an ad agency because I couldn't stand it anymore. When you hate every minute of 12+ hours a day of your life, something has to give. Worst of all, the work was making me loathe marketing, and this was the whitest of the white hat shit. Feels great to be rid of it all...
  3. L

    Looking for Chicago based design talent

    Any kick ass designers in Chicago? Have a project / business concept I'd love to talk to you about. Drop me a PM.
  4. L

    Switch to Linux on desktop?

    Any of you heroes run Linux on your workstation? I ask because for the first time in all my 13 years of running Windows, I just got the goddamn piss kicked out of my system by a virus. Shit, I was never in love with Windows but it always worked and seemed easier than dealing with...
  5. L

    Avoiding too many nested conditionals in PHP

    So I think I'm missing some fundamental principle of software design. In an effort to build in better handling of errors and unexpected results, I keep finding myself burying my code in deeper and deeper sets of nested conditionals. Especially with cURL apps and scrapers where I commonly have 15...
  6. L

    Productive use for a spare computer?

    I have an old system collecting dust and was thinking I should probably be making use of it somehow. I'd like to do something that's actually productive though, not just a "for the hell of it" kind of thing. Also have a 15" LCD to use with it. Specs: P4 2.8Ghz 2GB Ram 120GB HD GeForce 6600...
  7. L

    mod rewrite problem

    I'm trying to accomplish a routine dynamic to static redirection, but on this particular site it is confounding me. I want to convert index.php?var=5 to /var-5 This is my what I have in .htaccess: RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^var\=([0-9]+)$ RewriteRule...
  8. L

    Can't find a gallery script that does what I need

    I want to implement a scrolling gallery script (flash, DHTML, JS, whatever) that allows me to display a single row of 4-5 pictures, much like the auctiva "view my other auctions" gallery here, with the arrows on each side to let you see more. Can't seem to find anything like this, anyone know of...
  9. L

    Creating a wordpress install bot and the like

    I want to learn how to create scripts (in PHP) that can interact with websites like a human would, such as installing and configuring Wordpress or submitting something to a social site. I can do some basic scraping with cURL, but I'm not sure where to begin. Can anyone point me in the right...
  10. L

    Do top ranking PPC ad spots convert better?

    I'm trying to figure out what the value of a top ranking ad spot is besides traffic volume. Do they convert better? Do page 1 ads have higher CTRs and conversion rates than page 2 ads of the same position on screen? Otherwise, with everything else held equal, upping your bid to increase rank...