Search results

  1. S

    How do you clone wordpress

    What's the way to clone your wordpress blogs?
  2. S

    Pregnancy products networks

    Any good networks with a selection of products/ services in the pregancy category? I checked clickbank and found a hand full only plus they weren't so happening.
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    Duplicate Uploads in YTube?

    Is it ok to download and upload the exact same videos to YT with a different account?
  4. S

    How and where to get testimonials?

    I have prepared a plr product package for sale (webpages + ebook + emails..etc). How do i get testimonials for it or how and where do can I get others to endorse with their photos, name and url? Would appreciate any comments from any product creators here. :zzwhip:
  5. S

    Effective article marketing submission

    I've collected and prepared 2 dozen articles for article marketing use. Would SenukeX be a good option to automate and schedule submissions or does anyone else have any recommendations? I am looking for something that can help with the manual submissions without over spending. ;)