Search results

  1. PostUp

    Recommend Audio Books

    I'm going on a road trip and want something good to listen to. Recommend me some audio books.
  2. PostUp

    Copywrite infringement?

    Can I get sued if there is a website named and I register the domain
  3. PostUp

    Combine Or Split?

    If I have two niches that are related, such as food and drink, would I be better off combining both niches into one website,giving me more content, or separating one site for food kws and one site for drink kws to make it more focused?
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    Shared Hosting?

    I am currently on shared hosting because I have two baby blogs that I just started and want to save money while my traffic is low. When should I make the switch to a VPS?
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    Google Ads

    How does google ads know which keyword you are creating an ad for? Can you optimize for one kw but then place an ad for a kw that gets a higher CPC?
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    Game Tournament Ladders

    How can leagues like MLG afford to give out cash prizes with FREE registration (no fees). Call of Duty Black Ops Summer Laddar I ask because I have a gaming niche in mind, but I'm not quite sure how to monetize it except through adsense and some offers. Here is another example...
  7. PostUp

    Should I invest in this land?

    I found 0.23 acres for $2500 out in Colorado City, CO. Fairplay Place & Cripple Creek Dr - Google Maps Thinking about investing in it. Thoughts?
  8. PostUp

    Micro-niche product site journal

    STOP READING AND FUCKING DO SOMETHING This journal has been inspired by Adiakritos and my unwillingness to get my ass to work. Also, I need more posts so I can post some TITTAYS. :updown: -------------- OVERVIEW: Last night I purchased four EMD product domains. Two of them will be set up...
  9. PostUp

    Buying domains just to flip

    I bought an EMD last night that is a slight misspelling of a popular video game product. My hope is that the company, or a seller, may want to buy the domain from me for redirection purposes. Do I have to set up anything on the domain, stick it on flippa, or what do I do? I have no experience...
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    Video Game botting

    Does anyone have any experience with programs botting games such as Diablo 2, Runescape, World of Warcraft?
  11. PostUp

    Competition, Search Volume, and Adverstisers- oh my!

    Just two questions, por favor: 1. Does the amount of searches for an exact kw matter in the terms of competition? Can't you have 18k searches and still have a top 10 with low PBL and PR? 2. When creating product micro niche sites, should one pay attention to the amount of advertisers...
  12. PostUp

    Setting up my keywords

    Okay, I want to make sure I am doing this right. So I made up a keyword list and put it into Adwords. Now, I grab the top 3 keywords in Global Monthly Searches for my list (and/or keyword ideas list) and start using them in my title and meta tags and in the articles to optimize SEO? Where...