Search results

  1. xpathfucker

    When would you consider hiring outsourcers

    So lets say you have a couple of people that are really hard working bees. Also considerer their work to be top notch. You pay them as outsource work comes along. When would you consider giving them a "real" job? After work volume/pay hits a certain mark? Would you hire them just to avoid...
  2. xpathfucker

    Best and worst places to live

    For all you guys thinking of going to live elsewhere: The World’s Best and worst places to live Worst Infrastructure Port-au-Prince, Haiti Baghdad, Iraq Sana’a, Yeman Brazaville, Congo Kigali, Rwanda Conakry, Guinea Abuja, Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria Bangui...
  3. xpathfucker

    In Russia houses hit cars, not the opposite

    Car Crashes Through House
  4. xpathfucker

    Google + mixed with Google Places WTF

    Those into local IM, may already have noticed some changes in the google places listings. Now google+ pages are being shown instead of google maps, opinions now count as a score, the listings page is a bit more organized (new design) and so on. For all I can tell all my clients are still going...
  5. xpathfucker

    Sure you like hairy bitches?
  6. xpathfucker

    Iran blocking the interwebs

    Iran begins blocking access to Gmail, other sites Damn my burka rebill biz is now dead.
  7. xpathfucker

    Portugal is fucked

    Apparently Portugal is reporting quite bad results even after the IMf intervention and the national budget report for 2012 is including quite drastic measures. A friend of mine that has better knowledge economics and of all of this situation says Portugal is going down, not even the IMF is able...
  8. xpathfucker

    Creative Lander for gambling niche

    Meanwhile in Russia, landers look like this: lander At least it's some creative shit. PS: No translation needed it's self explanatory.
  9. xpathfucker

    What CMS for a site over 100k pages

    I often use wordpress to build sites, but I noticed that above 20k posts it just starts chocking and the loading speed goes to hell (even caching every shit I can). Now I'm building a couple of sites that will go way beyond 100k, so was wondering if you guys know any CMs I could use, otherwise...