Search results

  1. spcproman

    "Umbrella" super website

    Most often, anything is possible but what is the cost in time/$ to achieve it. That being said, I was thinking it might work well to make a "super web site", a.k.a. Wikipedia. Wikipedia is one site with shit tons of pages but is there a way to work this in the opposite way - a bunch of...
  2. spcproman

    Enlightened Members FTW

    I wanted to thank everyone of you grand contributors - you have real experience and the dedication, sharing your tips/tricks and educating the future generation of the Industry, perhaps. Best of luck to all and thank you for teaching me so much. :love-smiley-086:It's been a...
  3. spcproman

    Shady hosting??

    Ok, so without naming them, I got a host off of this website, it's VERY cheap per month (under $10). Guessing that you get what you pay for in this case... Anyways, started a few WordPress blogs and I kept getting hacked by this "Bangladesh Cyber Army" until I got a few ''security plugins'' and...
  4. spcproman

    Hacked - so fucked now lol

    So....I went to sign in to my wordpress site and I get an error message saying, user name invalid.... Then I notice on the bottom of my posts....this weird user name... Clearly I didn't do FML HACKED?! Suggestions lol?
  5. spcproman

    Is a post considered a page?

    When you all talk about ''50 pages of content'' being a decent starter point for a niche site, if using WordPress, is a post considered a ''page of content'' or should I be making actual pages in the site heirarchy? Bleh...
  6. spcproman

    Twitter you bastard...

    So, I create a Twitter account to link to my blogsite and it is. Day 1: Added 200 some peeps, 6 following - 3 tweets Day 2: Added 150 some peeps, 25 following - 8 tweets Day 3: Added 160 some peeps, 75 following - 26 tweets At this point, I'm suspended...for what? I randomized my...
  7. spcproman

    You're saving my life

    From utter destruction. Thank you WF members, moderators, lovers and haters. Prosperity to those who will keep on the straight and narrow.
  8. spcproman

    Favorite Inspirational Business Flick

    Boiler Room? Wall Street? Middle Men? Let's hear it people - what movies make you want to stack that paper?
  9. spcproman


    Howdy all! Digging into these delicious posts on WF and wondering a few things. Trying to follow a few methods and wondering if I have to get into SerpIQ and all these other paid programs/monthly subscriptions for getting stuff going. Isn't it: 1. Pick niche & domain 2. Write content 3...
  10. spcproman

    Facebook AD trouble...

    Dear WickedFire, I have recently begun doing a lot of advertising on Facebook. These bastards can suck my cock. I have submitted 55 ADs in 2 days. How many got accepted? 2.... They even denied ADs I had paused, ADs they already accepted.... Can anyone please give me some guidelines to follow...
  11. spcproman

    Level 3 - Elite Proxies

    Question for all of you amazing people =) Is there a service that isn't CRAZY $ to have a lot of fresh proxies every month, only level 3?
  12. spcproman

    Not sure where to ask this...but here!

    Ok. So you spend all sorts of time designing a beautiful landing page and make sure that everything is well with it. Then after you finally convince them, they click the "click here" button and off to the crappy looking offer Am I allowed to code the email/name form on my own...
  13. spcproman

    How the you expect....

    :error:...someone to enter all that information, complete all those offers and then enter a credit card, just for a $1.5? Doesn't EMAIL ONLY, mean they just need to spit up the EMAIL for $1.5? I don't get it....damn i'm such a fuckin' n00b....