Search results

  1. vikingred

    Holy fucking shit

    I take a year break from this site, I come back and wtf? Where'd everybody go? What the fuck happened here? Someone jack off in a thread or something? I went to look for a few names, I can't find anyone. Is this a fucking google honeypot now or what? I need some links. The real links...
  2. vikingred

    Mobile Friendly Motherfucker

  3. vikingred

    Fuckin sad state of affairs in the BST section my god

    What the fuck? 90% S/N ratio. 90% noise. WTF happened to the good shit? I need good shit. Not fucked up shit. If I buy 90% of those links it will fuck my legit shit up. It's fuckin my shit up right now! What the fucking fuck? I need links. Not shit. Fuck.
  4. vikingred

    Shit, Fuck, Shit, Fuck.

  5. vikingred

    Who's the guy to contact to bury shit in the serps?

    600th post! Haven't posted in a while. Good friend of mine got some bad publicity, it's not too extensive but needs to be hooked up with someone who's really good at burying shit in the SERPS. He's lookin' to bury it into 2nd page. Doesn't mind paying reasonable fees, etc. Just doesn't want...
  6. vikingred

    Wake up Bitch, Yo Baby Daddy Ain't Shit

    Worth the watch: Alexyss K. Tylor:Wake Up B*tch!! Yo Baby Daddy Aint S*it - YouTube
  7. vikingred

    Man Goes To “Magic: The Gathering”, Poses Next To Butt Cracks

    Neckbeards will love this: From: Man Goes To "Magic: The Gathering" Tournament, Poses Next To Butt Cracks What's that thing he's doing with his fists in that last one? h0h0h0
  8. vikingred

    Death by Atomic Wedgie

    Man Allegedly Kills Stepdad with ‘Atomic Wedgie’ - ABC News
  9. vikingred

    What business is it of yours where I'm from, friendo?

    Favorite scene in No Country for Old Men: THE COIN TOSS SCENE: No Country For Old Men Coin Toss HD - YouTube "You've been putting it up your whole life, you just didn't know it" THE NATURE OF ANTON CHIGURH: No Country for Old Men (7/11) Movie CLIP - The Nature of Anton Chigurh (2007) HD -...
  10. vikingred

    James David Manning

    I had already posted this in response in another thread, but it deserves it's own thread. James David Manning is a pastor in Harlem. He's not an Obama fan. Check him out: The Best of Pastor Manning (version 1) - YouTube
  11. vikingred

    Vagina Power and Penis Power

    LOL: Vagina Power and Penis Power - YouTube
  12. vikingred

    Celebrity Scam Artist Arrested in New Orleans (Michael Manos)

    Celebrity scam artist arrested in New Orleans | News | The Advocate — Baton Rouge, LA All lies of course. A pack of fucking lies. Flim-flammed a ton of gullible people in New Orleans. Interesting thing is, he's done this many times before in different cities. And continues to get away with...
  13. vikingred

    Old Black Sabbath

    We need some old Black Sabbath in this motherfucker. WAR PIGS: Black sabbath - War Pigs - with lyrics - YouTube PARANOID: Black Sabbath - Paranoid(1970 - Music Video) - YouTube THE WIZARD: Black Sabbath-Wizard - YouTube SWEET LEAF: Sweet Leaf - YouTube POST MOAR!
  14. vikingred

    Site migration and cpanel nightmare

    Migrating a wordpress site from justhost to asmallorange. Sound simple? Nope. Asmallorange usually handles all this for you, free. Just give them your old hosting cpanel login, and they will handle everything. I let them try and they tell me basically that justhost does not use the same...
  15. vikingred

    The Salton Sea

    If you haven't seen it, you MUST. It's old (2002) but it's a twisted, sick, badass movie. Check the imdb. Here are a couple clips to whet your appetite: Vincent D'Onofrio as Pooh Bear in The Salton Sea - YouTube The Salton Sea methamphetamine trip - YouTube Enjoy. Sickos.
  16. vikingred

    Anyone know how to get rid of the "free" traffic

    Hate when I fire up analytics and check the organic traffic kws and see "free" in there. For example, say my service and main kw is "business consulting in san diego" and I'm getting fuckin searches for: "free business consulting in san diego" And because my site comes up in the top 3, people...
  17. vikingred

    Facebook is fucked.

    Facebook is Doomed | LinkedIn
  18. vikingred

    An invitation code to join Helpouts by Google

    I just received this E-Mail through my GWT, and I think it might be a TRAP! What the fuck. I'm under partial manual penalty and they send me this! Is this the new adsense? WTF. Where's that meme, "It's a trap!". Heh, anyway it looks interesting, anyone fucked with it yet...
  19. vikingred

    How to post a youtube video on WF

    1. Tried just the URL. Don Lurio - Lola Falana "Testa spalla" completo - YouTube (doesn't work). 2. Tried adding &feature=player_embedded after the URL. (doesn't work). 3. Tried wrapping it in IMG: (doesn't work). 4. what the fucking fuck? :angryfire:
  20. vikingred

    Skylar, I am NOT in danger...

    Hells yeah. W.W. r0x.