Search results

  1. S

    Average lead to sale ratio on dating offers ?

    I would like to know what the average lead to sale ratio is for dating sites. I am currently promoting an offer in the UK through facebook and it's working pretty good. Now a couple of weeks ago I got an email from the affiliate manager for the offer and he said they like to have a 10% lead to...
  2. S

    How much to ask for webmaster job ?

    Through a connection I got offered a webmaster job for a fortune 500 company. I would act as a consultant and coordinate the rollout of a number of country specific consumer (mini-)sites. It will be my job to manage a number of webdesigners in each country and make sure everything gets done and...
  3. S

    How to install apache/php/mysql on vista

    It took me a couple of hours to figure it out so I hope by posting this I can save somebody some time. Notes : Turn off UAC If something does not work try running it using an administrator console. You have elevated privileges there.Installing Apache : This is the easy one. Just run the...
  4. S

    google just killed ringtones

    I was checking my stats just now and some of my ringtone ads were disapproved. It seems they added this to the Content Policy : Check it yourself : Google Help Centre Byebye subscription style ringtone offers.