Search results

  1. Xynix

    Problem loading .html files

    I believe I have something in my .htaccess file that is preventing me from loading .html files on a web browser. Can any help me with this? ErrorDocument 404 /index.php AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .htm .html # -FrontPage- IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README*...
  2. Xynix

    Coupon / Deal Management in Wordpress?

    Does anyone have advice or resources on how to manage coupons and deals using WordPress? This includes articles, plugins, or reference websites.
  3. Xynix

    Joel Comm's Adsense Game Kind of fun. If it was as easy as this, I'd be happy with my results! Tell us what strategies you used in this game and your results!
  4. Xynix

    Subscribing to closed threads?

    I like to subscribe to threads so that I can refer to them later more easily by using the Subscribed Threads page. Is it possible to change some setting that allows subscribing to closed threads? I wanted to subscribe to the lightning round threads but can't. :(
  5. Xynix


    I'm reading posts on how people use proxies along with the strategy of marketing on MySpace. Does anyone have information on free proxies and setting them up? I'm a total noob in this aspect and feel there are more people like me out there who are clueless about this as well.
  6. Xynix

    phpbb vs vBulletin ?

    What are the main reasons why people buy vBulletin compared to using phpBB? Don't you have to buy a vBulletin license for each site?
  7. Xynix

    "Database hiccup" with Revenue Subscriptions

    I've been waiting for my next issue of Revenue magazine for a while and suspected something was wrong. I called their office and the subscription department told me that it was due to a "database hiccup" and my issue actually went to some other address. They said they fixed it and I will be...
  8. Xynix

    Ebook and Ebook cover generator

    Does anyone know of good Ebook and/or Ebook cover generators?
  9. Xynix

    Need Project Management Fundamentals

    Hi, First off, I'm loving this forum. I'm lucky to have bumped into this from A lof of the members have been great in providing their experience and insights. I've been mainly a lurker in all sorts of forums, but now I've decided to come out of the cave and try to participate! So...