Search results

  1. Louey37

    This 8 year old girl makes more $$$ than all of Wickedfire combined

    29 million views of her youtube channel every month netting her $127,000/month. This 8-Year-Old Girl Makes $127,000 a Month Baking Sweets on YouTube If only I'd thought of wrapping a chocolate cake in Kit Kats and sticking mnm's on top...
  2. Louey37

    Want to get paid to learn online marketing?

    I have a feeling I'm going to get slammed with poorly written job applications from WAFO rejects but there's only one way to tell... WANTED: Online marketing assistant Would you like to get paid to learn the skills, techniques, and methods I used to make $XXX,XXX last year as an online...
  3. Louey37

    How to make $XX,XXX from a website less than 24 hours old...

    That Site That Totally Glitterbombed Your Newsfeed Is Now Up For Sale | Junkee TL;DR 1. Build ridiculous website Ship Your Enemies Glitter 2. Get featured on Slate, MTV, Washington Post, etc... 3. Convert 4. Exit
  4. Louey37

    Silk Road Reloaded just launched

    'Silk Road Reloaded' Just Launched on a Network More Secret than Tor | Motherboard Any of you dodgy fuckers had a dig around there yet?
  5. Louey37

    Algorithm update anyone? I just got smashed.

    Hmmm... Not looking good. Anyone else seeing this kind of arse kicking? It's happened to 6 of my top sites.
  6. Louey37

    Animated Banner Designer - know a good one?

    I need some animated banners and ads designed and I'm having trouble finding a decent one. I'm happy to pay for good work but I just can't find it. Anyone got one?
  7. Louey37

    Anyone set up a Dating Affiliate Program before?

    I'm in the process of setting up an affiliate program for my dating products (Pick Up Artists, not and I'm 100% confident have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. What kind of banners should I get made? What kind of swipes should I get written? How long should the tracking cookies be...
  8. Louey37

    HP just redefined how you store information (100 Tb on your smartphone)

    I understood about 8 words in this presentation but I'm sure some of you tech geeks are going to wet yourself over this: Meg Whitman & Martin Fink HP Discover General Session Day 2 - YouTube Get the kleenex.
  9. Louey37

    Comprehensive study on the state of the e-commerce industry

    The guys at MECLabs spent 9 months researching what's going on behind the scenes of the e-commerce industry. Heaps of great stuff in the report - conversion rates, average customer lifetime value, traffic sources, everything... If you're in e-commerce and want to get an idea about where you...
  10. Louey37

    Heartbleed Bug - Change your passwords immediately

    Not for every site but there's a list of some seriously big name sites that were affected. The full list is here: The Heartbleed Hit List: The Passwords You Need to Change Right Now
  11. Louey37

    I'm not sure this is how they intended it to be...

    You're welcome. 50 Cent dubbed over Jehovah's Witnesses trying to get deaf people to stop masturbating
  12. Louey37

    Want your articles to go viral, just lie!

    Just been told about this site: Abril Uno Their basic operating methodology is to create fake news stories and then spread through social media till they're outed as being fake. This gives them the breaking news scoop every time. Seems to be working well for them: Alexa at 39k. Lying for...
  13. Louey37

    Free 4 month subscription

    I know what it's like to start out - no money and no tools. So here's something that should make it FAR easier for you: Special Offer To Namecheap120 From Moz 4 months free instead of the usual 30 days. Get in while it lasts.
  14. Louey37

    A billionaires advice on how to raise incredible kids

    So much fucking great advice in here, not just for raising kids but how to be awesome at life. Originally taken from here: What are good ways to prepare my kids to be billionaires? - Quora (You need to register to read the article though)
  15. Louey37

    Uruguay's population set to triple in the next 18 hours

    Uruguay legalises the production and sale of marijuana - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  16. Louey37

    Twerk it

    For your viewing pleasure. BOOTY/ TWERK choreo by DHQ Fraules on "FM$- New boyz" - YouTube EDIT: can someone please embed this? I'm to technologically retarded to do it.
  17. Louey37

    AOL serves more ads than Google

    Read more: Advertising - AOL Served More Video Ads Than Google in September : MarketingProfs Article
  18. Louey37

    Anyone want to go halves in building a real-estate empire?

    I want to start the portfolio with 10 properties but I only have $5. Anyone want to contribute the other $5 so we can kick this off? - Detroit, MI Homes for Sale, Foreclosures, Short Sales
  19. Louey37

    Lets see how the p(h)easants react to this...

    Give Back? Yes, It's Time For The 99% To Give Back To The 1% - Forbes I'm for any article that quotes the least sexy woman in literature - Ayn Rand.
  20. Louey37

    History's greatest badasses

    There are some seriously hardcore dudes on this list: Badassery: Who is history's greatest badass, and why? - Quora But I think this is probably the most hardcore: "...after 12 hours of continual pain, Ramírez sat down on a bench and drank three small glasses of hard liquor. She then used a 15...