Search results

  1. ozonew4m

    calling all twitter account holders

    sorry, no boobies unless you help me a dear friend of mine is campaigning on twitter to get #BCAwareness to be number one trending topic on twitter before the end of october... (October is breast cancer awareness month) I know alot of you have multiple twitter accounts and im pretty certain...
  2. ozonew4m

    need anything scraped?

    Im looking to get some extra cash coming in whilst I continue to build my own sites and grow my network... If you want anything scraped like for example yellow pages or yahoo answers or google or wikipedia or a forum or a directory or any other content site I can do it for you.. please note...
  3. ozonew4m

    removing excess junk from scraped content

    Has anybody got a php function, or php snippet or any good ideas of how to remove the final bits of whitespace and formatting left over from scraped content.. so if i was left with something like this: <p></p> <br> <br>\n <p></p> <br> <br> <br> <br> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit...
  4. ozonew4m

    single product promotion

    When pushing a single product affiliate offer is it best to go for a blog, single landing page, general niche site or .... Ive found a nice little domain name that gets quite a few searches for the exact phrase of the product with very little competition. I already have quite a few...
  5. ozonew4m

    sql query query - get most relevant

    what is the best way to setup a mysql table and query to get the best search results? php by the way :) so for example... i have a database of thousands of "bodytext" rows containing articles,blog posts,comments,forums posts etc... I also have a list of keywords/phrases in an array...
  6. ozonew4m

    host setup, country code conversation

    I just got a new client who insisted i setup a hosting account with bluehost... upon starting the registration i noticed that they insist on the correct phone number and country code so that they can verify the account... ok fine... but what is my country code? because they have a handy little...
  7. ozonew4m

    wordpressmu global banner

    Scoobies all.. I have a couple of wordpressmu installs, each containg about 500 blogs each, all of which have a different template/theme.. is there any way i could add a banner at the top of every blog page (ideally directly after the <body> tag) without having to edit all of my themes...
  8. ozonew4m

    php replace once

    Ok so ive got some text in the variable $mytext, ive got a url in the variable $myurl ive got a list of keyphrases in an array called $mykeyphrases I only want to place a single link in the text.. doesnt matter which keyphrase but i only want to replace it once and then exit.. can somebody...
  9. ozonew4m

    pr1 $10

    I bought this domain a while ago as an experiment but havent really had time to work on it.. buyer will get domain and if they want it the site too for $10... I just want to get back what i paid out + a bit of poker money:D domain is hosted with namecheap and you will need your own host...
  10. ozonew4m

    capchas are driving me insane

    no other point to this thread other than to say capchas (or whatever the f**k you call em) and everything they represent are driving me nuts... not only do they piss me off when they say "to prove you are human" or some shit like that, or when they dont tell you if the box is case sensitive or...
  11. ozonew4m

    php output buffer

    I have a few php scripts that can take quite a while to complete but i want to be able to output progress to the page mid script so i can keep track of what it is doing.. i can do it via ajax from mysql but i was just wondering if there was something in php i could use.. at the moment...
  12. ozonew4m

    nice php scraper class

    I cant take credit for this because its not mine.. It came with a book I read recently, Wickedfire has helped me so much in recent months since i lost my job that i wanted to try and give something back.. Its a nice little php class that can take alot of the headache away from website...
  13. ozonew4m

    new Tor identity via php

    Does anybody know of a simple way to set a new tor identity from php? at the moment i have to change identities manually using vidalia which is a royal pain in the ass.. Ive looked all over the internet for a solution but so far the only possible solution ive found is to do it via fsocks or...
  14. ozonew4m

    $5 per signup + $5 per month thereafter good?

    Hello all you affiliate people :) in about a week i plan on releasing a free piece of software and at the same time opening a subscription based forum to go along with it.. the software is a base for all future modules, plugins, and scripts i will be releasing via the forum.. they will...
  15. ozonew4m for sale

    Hello everybody.... christmas is coming and the goose is skint! i am selling Link Exchange Forum • Index page this is a great forum site that you can use to promote all of your niche sites with because the subject is wide open to anything you want to use it for... Following info provided by...
  16. ozonew4m

    free stuff

    i was scraping around this morning looking for some new proxy sites etc and i stumbled upon this little gem.. now i have no idea what most of this shit does or whos rapidshare account this is but i thought some of you guys might find it interesting.. RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting im not...
  17. ozonew4m

    fcuking ass gap

    i cant believe this shit... 2 months ago i built a site for a fella and have since(at no extra cost) been helping him tweak and modify the site to his own needs, and also for my own reasons been helping him promote the site and giving him pointers as to what to do next.... now i only charged...
  18. ozonew4m

    ips bots and proxies question

    ive been reading and learning alot lately about programming outomated webbots to do things for me that im too lazy to do like blog building, scraping etc... now i have no problem building the bots (im getting quite good at it :rasta:) but im struggling at how to run them anonomously or via...
  19. ozonew4m

    Dumbass hacker kid

    Shut Up I Hack You :D
  20. ozonew4m

    decent ping script

    Has anybody got a decent, simple ping script that i can use... Im ok with php/mysql but when it comes to pinging i thing i have to use curl which i honestly have no clue about.. what i want to do is: setup a database where i can add all the urls i want pinged, i can do this setup a cron job...